Page 4 - Minutes of Proceedings of Civil Engineers Vol CXCV 1913-14 Part 1
P. 4
44 wENTwoRTIT-sIIEILDs oN TIIE coNsrltucrloN oF [Minutes of The works were commenced in 1907. At that time the site rvas crossed by an enclosing bank which had been built of lump chalk a few years previously (Fig. 2, Plato 1). The part of the site which lay to the north of this bank consisted of the natural river mudland, itc surfa,ce being mostly at nbout mean-tide level. 'When designing the works it was resolved to tnke ndvantage of the existence of the enclosing bank and to construct all the walls to the north of it (namely Nos. 43, 44,45r 46, and part of 47) in the dry, using the lrank as n temporary dnm to excludo tidal water. On the other hand, that portion of the site which lay to the south of the cnclosing bnnk consisted mostly of estuary-channel which had been dredged to alnut, 2p to 30 feet below L.W.O.S.T. It was therofore impracticable to dry this part of the site, rrs the cost, of a tempornry bank or dam to exclude the ti
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