Page 145 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 1 - 5
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2504. You had looked at yours? - Yes. 2505. Was that list up when you first left? - It was up the day after we left Southampton. 2506. So that it would be up the day you left Queenstown, at any rate? - Yes, certainly. The Commissioner: How long does it take from Southampton to Queenstown, 20 hours? The Attorney-General: Something like that, because she left, I think, on the 10th from Southampton, and she left Queenstown on the 11th. That is as far as I understand the dates. 2507. (The Commissioner.) I was told she went to Cherbourg first. (To the Witness.) Did you go to Cherbourg first? - Yes. 2508. (The Attorney-General.) She went to Cherbourg, and, as I understand, it is about 13 or 14 hours from there to Queenstown, is that right? - Yes. 2509. And we know she left Queenstown on the 11th. When you went to your boat were there people waiting to be passed into the boat? - The first thing that I did, and that most of us did that were there, was that we cleared the falls away from the boats on the starboard side, and then we lowered the boats from forward to aft; and when I came to No. 11 I was told that the boat was full, and that I was to get on with the next boat. So I went into No. 13, and left in No. 13 after we had got a full load. 2510. So that you were in the same boat eventually when the boat left as Barrett? - Yes. 2511. And Beauchamp - do you know Beauchamp? - No, I cannot say that I do. 2512. He was a fireman. If you do not know him, never mind. We have seen him, and we know him. But you know Barrett? - Yes. 2513. And you were with him? - Yes, I saw him just now. 2514. I think I understand what you have said about what happened before you left, but just let us get it quite clearly. Were your orders to uncover all the boats along that side? - I had no orders whatever. 2515. Why did you go then to help uncover all the boats on the starboard side? - I went there because it was my duty. 2516. You knew that you had to do it? - I knew it was my duty, and that is why I went there. I did not have any orders myself. 2517. But why did you go to uncover the boats on that side? - Because I knew what had happened. 2518. You knew there had been serious damage done to the vessel? - Certainly. 2519. I suppose you knew the order that had been given by the bos’un, or somebody, that all hands were to go on deck? - I heard the bos’un say that as he went on deck, and I went up then just after the other fellows. 2520. You did not wait for anything more; you knew what your duty was - to go and help uncover the boats. That is right, is it not? - Certainly. 2521. And then you helped uncover all the boats? - I helped to uncover all the boats on the starboard side. 2522. Uncover them and get the falls ready? - Yes. 2523. Get them ready for lowering? - Yes. They were lowered on to A deck; that is where the passengers were put in, and from there they were lowered into the water. 2524. Your Lordship, we need not go in detail through this story again; we have had it already. Then you got to No. 13 boat. No. 11 boat ought to have been your boat; that was your station? - Yes. 2525. Why did not you get into that? - Because she was full up, and I went on to the next one. 2526. Did you get any order about that? - No, but I did not want to make a jump for it, and I went on to the next boat because there was scarcely anybody in that boat. 2527. You mean there was scarcely anybody in No. 13 boat? - Yes. Mr. ---- , I cannot tell you what his name is - a tall officer, about 6 feet in height, fresh complexion - I forget his name; I
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