Page 148 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 1 - 5
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Yes, Sir, certainly. 2578. Then I have got it down wrong; you saw it. How long after you had got into No. 13 boat was it that you saw the light. Do not guess? If you do not remember tell me you do not remember. - I could not say how long it was. 2579. That is quite a proper answer. But are you sure that you saw this light, whatever it was, before the “Titanic” plunged to the bottom? - Yes, Sir. 2580. You did? - Yes, from the boat. I cannot say how long it was. 2581. You cannot say how long; all you can say is that you saw it before the “Titanic” went down? - Yes, before the ship disappeared. 2582. (The Attorney-General.) Did you see any rockets sent up from the “Titanic”? - Yes, Sir. 2583. Before you left the vessel? - Before and after. 2584. Were they coloured rockets, or only white ones? - No, coloured rockets. 2585. Did you see any reply? - No, none whatever. 2586. Now, will you tell us, so far as you can, about the passengers in your boat. Had you third-class passengers in your boat? - Second and third. A few second, principally third. 2587. Did they behave well? - Very well indeed. 2588. They were mostly women? - They were most women. 2589. Some children? - Four children. 2590. Was it very cold? - Very cold indeed. 2591. But you had no difficulty on board? - None whatever. 2592. Everybody bore it without complaint? - Yes, Sir. 2593. Before you left with your boat, did you see any other third-class passengers, women or children, waiting to go into the boats? - There were no women left there when our boat was lowered into the water, not as far as I could see. 2594. You can only tell us what you remember. You saw the other boat lowered, that is, the boat astern of you, No. 15? - I did not notice what they had there. We had our work cut out to get away with the crowd that we had in our own boat. 2595. You were carrying a very large number, you mean, for the boat? - Yes, and we were right under that exhaust there (pointing), and if the boiling water had got on to the people in the boat they would have made a start on the starboard side and capsized. Examined by MR. SCANLAN. 2596. When you are at sea in a fog is it a usual practice to station a watchman at the bows in addition to the lookout in the crow’s-nest? - The captain of the ship has to be responsible for that kind of thing. 2597. Just tell me whether in your experience it is usual to do that? - If the captain of the ship thinks it is necessary. 2598. Have you seen it done? - I have. 2599. Have you seen it done frequently? - Frequently. 2600. Is not a haze a kind of a fog? - It is a kind of a fog, but you could not describe it as a fog. 2601. How long were you on your last watch before you observed the haze? - I think I answered that question before. Didn’t you hear me answer that question before? Mr. Scanlan: I did not. The Commissioner: You must not whisper your answers. Speak up so that we can hear you. 2602. (Mr. Scanlan.) How long had you been in the crow’s-nest on your last watch? - It was not so hazy to begin with as it was when the accident occurred. Mr. Scanlan: When you found the haze thickening - The Commissioner: Did he ever find it thick?