Page 114 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
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gentleman and he will tell us if it sounds like it. (To the Witness.) We have independent evidence of a message being sent from the “Caronia.” “West-bound steamers report bergs, growlers and field ice in 42 N. from 49 to 51 W.”? - I think that is the message that I referred to as near as I can remember. The Solicitor-General: This witness says he was shown that about a quarter to 1, my Lord. Your Lordship will find the evidence of Captain Barr, the captain of the “Caronia,” who was interposed on Friday, on page 273 of the print. The question is 12307. The Attorney-General asked Captain Barr, “On the morning of the 14th of April, that is, on the Sunday morning, do you remember sending this Marconigram to the ‘Titanic’: ‘Westbound steamers report bergs, growlers, and field ice in 42 N., from 49 to 51 W.?’ - (A.) Yes, I remember sending it. (Q.) That is sent, I see from your note, at 9 o’clock in the morning.” That is the time when the message was sent from the “Caronia.” The Commissioner: Does it go on to say that that message was acknowledged? 13463. (The Solicitor-General.) Yes, my Lord. Then the next question and answer is, “And did you receive a reply at 9.44 a.m. your ship’s time? - (A.) Yes, as per that statement.” (Q.) The reply is, “Thanks for message and information. Have had variable weather throughout - Smith”? (To the Witness.) Now the “Caronia” as we know was coming from New York to Europe and as you see there is the message. The acknowledgment is 9.44 a.m. “Caronia’s” time. You had not heard anything about that before you went off your watch at 10 o’clock? - No. 13464. Can you help us: Would 9.44 a.m. Caronia’s” time coming from New York be likely to be later than your 10 o’clock watch coming to an end? You see you went off duty at ten. - Yes. 13465. (The Commissioner.) Did Captain Smith tell you when he had received the Marconigram? - No, my Lord. 13466. (The Solicitor-General.) And the first you knew of it was when Captain Smith showed it you at about a quarter to one? - Yes. 13467. So far as your knowledge goes is that the first information as to ice which you had heard of as being received by the “Titanic”? - That is the first I have any recollection of. 13468. What time of day would it be that your ship’s course would be set? - At noon. 13469. Would that be done by the Commander? - [No Answer.] 13470. Add anything if there is anything we ought to know. Is that the incident as it occurred then? - That is the whole of the incident, when the Commander came out and showed me the wireless, yes. 13471. And you told us you were relieving Mr. Murdoch while he was away at lunch. Did he come back? - Yes, when he came back I mentioned the ice to him. 13472. When you mentioned this message about the ice to Mr. Murdoch when he came back at 1 o’clock did you gather from Mr. Murdoch that it was news to him or did you gather from him that he had heard of it before? - That I really could not say, whether it was fresh news to him or not; I should judge that it would have been, but I really could not say from his expression - not from what I remember. 13473. Your impression is that it was news to him? - Probably. 13474. Then did you leave the bridge at that time? - Yes. 13475. And your watch of course would not return until six in the evening? - Exactly. 13476. (The Commissioner.) Can you tell me what the ships course was at that time? - The compass course? 13477. Yes. - No, I cannot remember what it was. 13478. (The Solicitor-General.) You are able to tell us a little later in the day what it was? - The true course. 13479. Can you tell us the true course of the ship at this time? - No, I am afraid I cannot. 13480. Here was a message shown you which referred to ice in latitude 42 N? - Yes.