Page 116 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
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information had reached the “Titanic” about ice? - Not that I remember. 13503. Of course, in the ordinary course, Mr. Wilde would pass on to you any information that was necessary to help you during your watch? - Yes. 13504. And you have told us what happened? - Yes. 13505. Now what did you notice about the speed of your vessel? - As far as I could tell, her speed was normal. 13506. Were they telegraphed at full speed ahead? - At full speed. 13507. (The Commissioner.) What do you mean by normal? - Full speed. 13508. What is full speed; can you give me how many knots? - We were steaming, as near as I can tell from what I remember of the revolutions - I believe they were 75 - and I think that works out at about 21 1/2 knots the ship was steaming. 13509. (The Solicitor-General.) Is it the regular course for a message to be sent to the engine room from time to time, and a report to be got as to how many revolutions she is making? - As a rule, at the end of the watch, the junior officer rings up the engine room and obtains the average revolutions for the preceding watch. 13510. And is that one of the matters that would be brought before your notice when you go on duty? - No, not necessarily. It is entered up in the logbook, and anyone who wishes to know can merely ask and the information is given him. 13511. When you say your recollection is that it was 75 revolutions, just help us. What is it you have in your mind? - I could not say where I got that from, but it is in my mind that it was about 75 revolutions. 13512. In the course of the voyage across the Atlantic, had the engines, as far as you know, exceeded 75 at any time? - On one occasion I have a recollection of one side turning 76, not necessarily both sides though. 13513. That would be one or other of the sets of reciprocating engines? - Port or starboard reciprocating, yes. 13514. Subject to that as far as you know, did she ever attain a greater number of revolutions than 75? - Not to my knowledge, and I think I should have heard of it if she had. 13515. And during your watch which extended from 6 till 10, did she maintain the same speed, as far as you know? - As far as I know. 13516. Then who would be on the bridge - is it one or two of the junior officers would be on the bridge with you? - Two junior officers on watch at all times. 13517. There would be a Quartermaster at the wheel? - And a stand-by Quartermaster. 13518. Another Quartermaster standing by? - Exactly. 13519. And there would be two look-out men in the crow’s-nest? - At all times. 13520. What was the practice in the “Titanic” as far as this voyage is concerned about having a look-out man anywhere else? - In anything but clear weather we carry extra look-outs. 13521. But where do you put them? - If the weather is fine, that is to say if the sea allows it, we place them near the stem head; when the weather does not allow us placing them at the stem head, then probably on the bridge. 13522. And as far as your watch was concerned, 6 to 10 on the evening of April 14th, was there any look-out except the two men in the crow’s-nest? - No. 13523. What was the weather? - Perfectly clear and fine. 13524. Had there been, as far as you remember, any occasion since she left Southampton to have extra look-out men? - Yes, and we had had them. 13525. And you had had them? - Yes. 13526. But at this time it was clear and fine? - Yes. 13527. Of course the sea was calm? - Comparatively smooth. 13528. Could you see the stars? - Perfectly clear. There was not a cloud in the sky.