Page 191 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
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under water. 14768. Can you tell me where he was? - He was then working at the forward fall on the starboard side forward; that is the fall to connect to the collapsible boat. 14769. What was the last you saw of Mr. Moody? - I do not remember seeing Mr. Moody that night at all, though I am given to understand, from what I have gathered since, that Mr. Moody must have been standing quite close to me at the same time. He was on top of the quarters clearing away the collapsible boat on the starboard side, whilst Mr. Murdoch was working at the falls. If that is so, we were all practically in the water together. 14770. You stated that you asked the Carpenter to take soundings at No. 6? - No, I did not. 14771. Did you ask the Carpenter to take soundings anywhere? - No. 14772. Did you hear the Captain ask the Carpenter? - No. 14773. You mentioned in your evidence that the Carpenter had taken soundings and said that No. 6 was dry? - I did not say that exactly. I asked the Carpenter if No. 6 stokehold had any water in. Examined by Mr. COTTER. 14774. That is what I am trying to get at. What time was that when you asked him that? - I could not tell you. 14775. Can you give us any idea? - No. I met him somewhere on the boat deck. 14776. Was that after you had been to No. 6? - I really could not say. 14777. What time would it be after you had been got out of your bunk when you sent the Boatswain down to open these gangway doors? - I have already given the times as near as I possibly can, and the time I sent the Boatswain down; I think you will find that in the evidence. 14778. Can you tell us how the doors are made fast? - No, I cannot give you a detailed explanation. 14779. You do not know how? - They are secured by bolts. 14780. Is there a large iron boom across fastened by bolts? - I could not say. 14781. Are they very difficult to open? - The Carpenter opens those. 14782. Are they difficult? - I could not tell you; it is not my work. 14783. Have you seen one opened? - No. 14784. Have you any idea of the weight of one of those doors? - Yes, I have an idea. 14785. Will you give us some idea? - Yes, you get down to the forward steerage and then you will be at the door. 14786. I want the weight of it? - I beg your pardon, I thought you said way. I could not give you any idea. 14787. If it were once opened and lost its balance and swung against the ship’s side, the Carpenter and a crowd of men would have a job to get that back again? - Not necessarily. 14788. If I suggested to you that it would take at least four men to open one of those doors, would that be right? - Probably about that. 14789. And it would take more to close them? - Quite. 14790. Once she had swung against the ship’s side you would have to pull it back again, and you would have an awkward angle? - That all depends. I do not say it is necessarily a very hard job, it would depend principally on the list of the ship, or whether she had any list at all. 14791. If he was sent down to open them and the water reached up to the deck, when he found out his mistake, he would have a job to close them? - I did not say he had opened them. 14792. Supposing he had opened them? - Yes. 14793. Now I will take you to the collapsible boat. Is it not the fact when you unship one of those collapsible boats you have blocks and tackle fastened on the stays from the funnel? - No. 14794. Did you see no block and tackle on that stay from the funnel for the purpose of
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