Page 196 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
P. 196
14883. Up to the time you left the ship? - No. 14884. Did you have any talk with Fleet, the look-out man? - On the “Carpathia”? 14885. Yes? - Yes. 14886. He has not been called yet, but you might tell us what he said. - I asked him what he knew about the accident and induced him to explain the circumstances. He went on to say that he had seen the iceberg so far ahead. I particularly wanted to know how long after he struck the bell the ship’s head moved, and he informed me that practically at the same time that he struck the bell he noticed the ship’s head moving under the helm. 14887. That is what you told us before. - Yes. 14888. Did he tell you anything else? - With regard to distance? 14889. No, with regard to weather or conditions? - Oh, yes. He said it was clear. 14890. That is really what I wanted to know. - Oh yes. 14891. Did he say anything about haze? - No, he never said anything about haze. 14892. He never complained about haze, or anything of that sort? - No. Re-examined by the SOLICITOR-GENERAL. 14893. There are only two matters which I have to ask you about. First of all, this last thing which you have been asked. You say you had some conversation with Fleet, the look-out man, when you got to the “Carpathia,” and you have told us what he said. You gathered from him, apparently, the impression that the helm was probably put over before and not after the report from the look-out? - Distinctly before the report. 14894. That was the inference you drew? - Yes. 14895. I should call your attention to this. We have had the evidence of the Quartermaster, who was steering at the time - a man named Hichens. Has your attention been called to the fact that he distinctly says that the order “Hard a starboard” was given after this report, and not before? - I was not aware of that. The Solicitor-General: It is at page 41. The Commissioner: I remember that quite well. The Solicitor-General: He distinctly says so. The Witness: I am only giving what Fleet told me, you understand. 14896. What he says is they heard three bells, that there was a telegraph, and the answer “Thank you” from Mr. Moody, that he reported an iceberg right ahead to Mr. Murdoch, and that Mr. Murdoch rushed to the telegraph to stop the engines, and at the same time ordered “Hard-a- starboard”? - Exactly. 14897. If that is right, your impression gathered from Fleet must be wrong? - If Hichens is right, then Fleet must be wrong. 14898. The other thing is this: there were two look-out men at that time; the other was Lee? - Yes. 14899. He was also saved? - Yes. 14900. Did you have any conversation with him? - No. 14901. We have had Lee’s evidence, and Lee says there was some haze. But you had no conversation? - No, I had no conversation with him at all. 14902. The other matter I want to put to you is this. You said today in answer to one of my learned Friends that you thought 24 knots could have been got out of this vessel, that that was the view you had formed? - That in a year or so’s time she might have eventually reached 24 knots. 14903. She tends to improve in speed, I suppose? - Yes. 14904. You remember giving evidence in America, and I see a question was put to you. You said something about speed, and you were asked what you would call real good speed - that is
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