Page 233 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
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finished. (After a short adjournment.) Re-examined by the SOLICITOR-GENERAL. 15635. You have been giving some answers which make it necessary to ask you about the plotting of ice on the Captain’s chart. Just tell me this first of all. When the “Titanic” struck of course it was necessary to ascertain her position in order that the distress messages might be sent out? - Just so. 15636. Who was it who did ascertain her position after she struck? - I did. 15637. And in order to do that you would have to calculate from some ascertained position at an earlier time? - Yes, that is right. 15638. And as I understand, the position had been ascertained and marked on the Captain’s chart at 7.30? - At 7.30 the position, yes. 15639. So that what you had to do after the disaster had occurred would be to take the position on the chart at 7.30, take your course, take your speed and calculate where you would be? - Yes, from the 7.30 position I allowed a course and distance which gave the position. I worked it out for 11.46 as a matter of fact. 15640. You worked out what the position ought to have been at 11.46? - That is right. 15641. And it was that position that was sent out with the C.Q.D. messages, which we know about? - Yes. 15642. And that is the position, 41º 46’ N., 50º 14’ W.? - Yes. 15643. Can you tell me what speed you assumed as between the 7.30 position and the time you struck? - Twenty-two knots. 15644. Twenty-two knots? - Yes. The Commissioner: Is that right? 15645. (The Solicitor-General.) I will ask him, my Lord. (To the Witness.) Why did you take 22 knots? - I thought the ship was doing 22 knots. 15646. Was it an estimate you formed on any materials as to revolutions or as to the patent log? - No, I never depend on the patent log at all. It was an estimate that I had arrived at from the revolutions, although I had had no revolutions that watch; but, taking into consideration that it was smooth water and that there ought to have been a minimum of slip, I allowed 22 knots. 15647. As far as you remember, was there any discussion as to whether 22 knots would be right, or did you do it on your own? - I did it on my own; there was no discussion at all. 15648. And do you think now that you formed a proper estimate? 15649. (The Commissioner.) Did you ask the Captain as to the speed? - No, I did not. 15650. (The Solicitor-General.) I follow you had been on duty with the Senior Officer from 8 to 12? - Yes. 15651. So you were on duty at that time? - Yes. 15652. And had been on duty for 3 1/2 hours when the accident happened? - Yes. 15653. You thought 22 knots was the proper average speed during that time? - Yes, I allowed 22 knots, and I thought that was about correct. 15654. (The Commissioner.) Do you know what the speed was in the log? - No, I do not. 15655. (The Solicitor-General.) We have been told that reports are sent up from the engine room from time to time as to the number of revolutions being made? - That is true; every four hours. 15656. Have you any recollection of any report of that during this watch from 8 till 12? - No, I have no immediate recollections of what the revolutions were at 8 o’clock. I do not remember