Page 236 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
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the first one which says, “Crossed thick ice-field, latitude 44º 58, longitude 50º 40, Paris? - Yes, if you look at your chart you will find that position is on the outward bound tracks ships follow between August and January which is right directly across the banks. 15695. I agree. It is just underneath the words “Great Bank of Newfoundland,” is it not? - No, it is above that word. All these positions were away to the northward and by dotting them down from the derelict which was the first to be reported, the westernmost report, and dotting all the positions he gave - he gave some icebergs beside field ice I believe - it showed he had taken the northerly track, and it was not worth considering, although I put it on the chart. 15696. You worked it out and found those right to the northward? - Yes. 15697. I am going to take the next one as I have it in order of time. The next one is the “Caronia,” and that is to be found in the evidence of Captain Barr at page 273. It is question 12307. Will you listen to the message and see if that is what you recollect. “Westbound steamers report bergs, growlers, and field ice in 42 N. from 49 to 51 W.” The Captain of the “Caronia” says that message was sent to the “Titanic” on the Sunday morning? - Westbound steamers report that? 15698. Yes? - Yes, I seem to recollect that message. 15699. Now you have the chart before you? - Yes. 15700. Let us take the latitude first - latitude 42 N. That is the same latitude as your turning- point, is it not? - Just the same latitude. 15701. What I mean is that the turning-point marked on the chart, not the place where you turned, but the turning-point on the chart is 42 N.? - Yes. I understood you to mean that. It is 42 N. 15701a. I do not know whether your Lordship has marked on your chart the 49 to 51 W. The Commissioner: Yes. 15702. (The Solicitor-General.) Of course, it is in exactly the same line as regards latitude as the latitude of the turning-point. Is it your recollection that you marked the chart in accordance with the message? - Yes, I fancy so. I am not perfectly sure, but I seem to recognise the “Caronia’s” message. 15703. You seem to recognise it? - Yes. 15704. And if you got the message you are sure you marked it? - Yes, I think that I should put that on the chart. 15705. That is the second one. I am taking them in order of time. That you notice is sent at 9 o’clock in the morning, and there is a reply at 9.44 a.m., the “Caronia’s” ship time; so that at any rate it is in the morning sometime? - Yes. 15706. I am going to take the next one in order of time, as far as I have a record of it. The next one I have a record of - we are going to call the Marconi gentleman about it - is a message from a ship called the “Amerika.” May I just read it? “Amerika Office. 14th April, 1912. Time sent 11.45 a.m.” That is, of course, New York time. It is actually sent to the Hydrographic Office, Washington, and this is the message: “‘Amerika’ passed two large icebergs in 41º 27’ N., 50º 8’ W., on the 14th of April.” Our information is - a gentleman from the Marconi Company will come and prove what they know about it - that that message would go through the “Titanic” to the Hydrographic Office. That message, sent from the “Amerika” to the Hydrographic Office would be sent through the “Titanic.” Of course, this gentleman does not remember that? - I do not remember that message at all. 15707. The latitude and longitude is 41º 27’ N. by 50º 8’ W. I do not know whether your Lordship’s calculation is the same as mine. As I make it out on the chart before me, that point lies just above the first “u” in the word “August” on that dotted line, “icebergs had been seen within this line in July and August.” It is south of the place of the disaster. (To the Witness.) Would you like to have a pair of dividers? - Yes, please. (The same were handed to the Witness.)