Page 168 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
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the field ice, and Commanders have permissions to use their discretion to deviate from the track under such circumstances.” The Commissioner: Now have you similar directions given by the Canadian Pacific Railway to the “Mount Temple”? Sir Robert Finlay: I have not got a copy, my Lord. I do not know whether Mr. Hamar Greenwood can give us one. Mr. Hamar Greenwood: I can supply you with a copy of the instructions issued. The Commissioner: Do you know the contents of the directions? Mr. Hamar Greenwood: They are rather voluminous, but I know the essentials of them. The Commissioner: What I want to ask you - perhaps you can tell me now - is whether they are substantially the same as these instructions issued. Mr. Hamar Greenwood: They are rather more detailed instructions in reference to ice. The Commissioner: Are they substantially the same, although more detailed? Mr. Hamar Greenwood: I should say yes; substantially the same. The Commissioner: Then it comes to this, that the White Star Company issue to their boats engaged in the Canadian trade, instructions somewhat similar to, though not identical with, the instructions issued by the Canadian Pacific Railway to their steamers engaged in the same trade? Mr. Hamar Greenwood: It is difficult for me to answer that, because I have only heard this one extract read by Sir Robert Finlay. The Commissioner: Then perhaps you had better look at this and at your own papers - the papers which you say you can get - and tell me afterwards whether there is substantial agreement. I do not want all the details. Sir Robert Finlay: Perhaps my friend, Mr. Hamar Greenwood, will let us have a copy of the instructions which are issued by the Canadian Pacific? Mr. Hamar Greenwood: Certainly. Sir Robert Finlay: I only refer to it because one of my friends in cross-examining put a question to Mr. Ismay with reference to the Canadian Pacific’s instructions as to field ice, and it was desirable to make it clear that under the same circumstances the White Star issue similar instructions. The Commissioner: The reason I was putting the question was this: that the Commander of the “Mount Temple,” who gave evidence, told us that he had invariable instructions on this point from the Railway Company, and I rather gathered until you asked Mr. Ismay these questions, that the White Star Company did not give such instructions. Apparently they do. Sir Robert Finlay: Oh, they do. Instructions of that kind are necessary when you are dealing with a route which takes you through a latitude where a good deal of field ice is often to be found. 18972. (To the Witness.) Then a good deal has been said about the tracks? - Yes. 18973. They are called the North Atlantic Lane Routes, I think? - Yes. 18974. And they were agreed upon in consultation between the Lines using that trade? - Yes. 18975. As far back as 1898, I think? - Yes. 18976. Is that a copy (Handing a paper to the Witness.)? - Yes. (The same was handed in.) The Commissioner: You can perhaps procure for us the instructions that are issued by other large Transatlantic lines such as the Cunard, with reference to ice. Sir Robert Finlay: We will endeavour to get them, my Lord; I am sure we can. The Commissioner: And I am anxious, if I can get them, to have the corresponding instructions given by the German lines. Sir Robert Finlay: Certainly: I think we shall be able to get all those instructions by the English lines and the German lines. Does your Lordship include in that the Canadian trade or the New
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