Page 171 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
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this related both to the construction of the “Olympic” and the “Titanic,” and I said if that was the case then it cannot have been in consequence of the recommendation from the Advisory Committee, which was not made till July, 1911. Sir Robert Finlay: It was not in consequence of it. The Attorney-General: Nor in anticipation of it, because it was not appointed till April, 1911. The Commissioner: But although not appointed it may have been in contemplation. The Attorney-General: To some extent it is always in contemplation; that a Committee may be appointed is always in contemplation. The Commissioner: But a Committee on this particular matter? The Attorney-General: I think your Lordship will see there have been a good many. Sir Robert Finlay: My information is what I have given here. I am not sure that I was right in saying four boats; it may have been two boats, double-banking. The Attorney-General: I have heard of two. Sir Robert Finlay: Two on each side; and it was purely in view of its being required. The Commissioner: Have you a copy of the letter that you say you read? Mr. Scanlan: In the “Daily Mail,” my Lord? The Commissioner: Yes. Mr. Scanlan: What I referred to yesterday was an interview, and I have it here. The Commissioner: That is what I mean. The Attorney-General: That is an interview with Mr. Carlisle? Mr. Scanlan: Yes. The Commissioner: Will you let me have it? Mr. Scanlan: Certainly, my Lord. (The same was handed in.) The Commissioner: Have you any other information besides that contained in this letter or communication? Mr. Scanlan: I hope your Lordship will accept the statement I have made. Some of the information I have is quite confidential, but the information I have enables me, with a sense of responsibility, to make the statement. The Commissioner: I quite accept that; but I thought your information was to be found in this document which you have handed up. Mr. Scanlan: No, it is not all there. The Commissioner: It does not seem to bear it out. Perhaps you have not seen it, Sir Robert. Sir Robert Finlay: No. The Commissioner: “When working out the designs of the ‘Olympic’ and the ‘Titanic’“ (this is what Mr. Carlisle is reported to have stated) “I put my ideas before the davit constructors” (who they are I do not know) “and got them to design me davits which would allow me to place, if necessary, four lifeboats on each pair of davits, which would have meant a total of over 40 boats. Those davits were fitted in both ships, but though the Board of Trade did not require anything more than 16 lifeboats, 20 lifeboats were supplied.” Now, I understand that to mean this: “I did ask the davit constructors to design me davits which would hold or accommodate 40 boats, and they did it, and those davits were, in fact, supplied to the ‘Olympic’ and the ‘Titanic,’” and there the matter stops. He says nothing more. That is right, is it not, Mr. Scanlan, as far as it goes? Mr. Scanlan: That is the interview there, my Lord. 18985. (Sir Robert Finlay - To the Witness.) Did you ever hear anything of that kind? - No. 18986. It is quite new to you? - It is. 18987. Now then, with regard to the number of boats. You are familiar with the Board of Trade Rules? - Yes. 18988. And with the recommendations which were made by the Advisory Committee which