Page 29 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
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16423. (The Attorney-General.) I did not think he had said that, nor was he asked, my Lord. I did not think he had said anything to the contrary of that nor had he been asked. I asked what the practice was when he got a message. I agree that the important thing is to know what happened with regard to an ice message as to which there could not be a practice. (To the Witness.) What I wanted to ask you was this. You told us there were a number of messages which came through for Captain Smith; by name, do you mean? - Yes. 16424. Of course, those would be delivered to him personally? - Personally. 16425. (The Commissioner.) Would they be delivered to an officer of the ship, or to the Captain to whom they were addressed? - They were invariably delivered to the Captain. 16426. This was not addressed to the Captain? - No. 16427. And you simply delivered it to an officer on the bridge? - Yes. 16428. (The Attorney-General.) Could you tell us how long it was after you got the message that you delivered it on the bridge? - About two minutes. 16429. Did it strike you as an important message? - Well, those sort of messages are looked upon as important. 16430. So that you would deliver it as soon as you could? - Yes. 16431. All that you would have to do is to take down the message and go from your room on to the bridge to deliver it to the officer? - Yes. 16432. And that is your recollection of what you did? - Yes. The Commissioner: Sir Robert, is there any doubt that this message did come to the knowledge of the officers. Sir Robert Finlay: I think there is no doubt at all, my Lord. The Attorney-General: We need not pursue it. Sir Robert Finlay: No; the point is when. 16433. (The Attorney-General.) One moment. When it came to the notice of the officers of the ship? - This witness says that he gave it two minutes after it was received. (To the Witness.) Were you at this time, that is at the time you received the message, receiving messages from a number of ships? - Yes. 16434. Were those messages which you had to relay to Cape Race? - The majority. 16435. (The Attorney-General.) It is suggested by my learned friend, Sir Robert, your Lordship th will recollect, that they were busy on the 14th, and I am to show that he was on the 13 as well receiving messages in this way. (To the Witness.) You would get a number of messages which would come to you which you would then have to relay and transmit to Cape Race? - Yes. 16436. As I understand you, from the time you received that message until the “Titanic” sank, so far as you are concerned, there was no other ice report? - No. 16437. That is right, is it not? - Yes. 16438. That is to say, you received none. Did you have any conversation at all with Mr. Phillips about ice messages? - No. 16439. Nothing passed between you? - Nothing at all. 16440. How long did you continue to receive messages before going away on this day - before going down to your dinner? - To the best of my recollection - The Commissioner: What was the time? 16441. (The Attorney-General.) I know, but I want him to tell us; it was some time in the evening. The Witness: To the best of my recollection I went off watch between 6 and 7. 16442. At what time did you dine as a rule? - Seven o’clock. 16443. Then did you go to your dinner that evening do you remember? - Yes. 16444. About that time? - Yes. 16445. You can recollect that? - Yes.
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