Page 24 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
P. 24
HAROLD BRIDE, Recalled. Further examined by the ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 16323. You have been sworn. In June, 1911, you had obtained your certificate of proficiency in radio-telegraphy from the Postmaster-General? - Yes. 16324. And later on you were appointed by the Marconi Company to serve as assistant wireless operator on the “Titanic”? - Yes. 16325. When did you go on board the “Titanic”? - I joined the “Titanic” in Belfast. 16326. When? Was that in the beginning of April? - In the beginning of April. 16327. Was Mr. Phillips the senior operator? - Yes. 16328. Did you find him there when you went there? - Yes. 16329. Did he and you go through tests with several wireless stations? - Yes. 16330. That was while the “Titanic” was on her trial test? - Yes. 16331. For wireless? During the voyage from Belfast to Southampton? - During the voyage from Belfast to Southampton, yes. 16332. Only one general question: Did you find the apparatus was in good working order? - Perfect. 16333. First of all, will you tell us how were your duties arranged as regards time with Mr. Phillips? When did you go on watch? How long did you remain on duty? What were your hours? - Mr. Phillips started the watch at eight o’clock at night, and he remained on watch until 2 o’clock in the morning. 16334. Was that your regular practice? - That was Mr. Phillips’s watch of a nighttime. I kept the watch from 2 o’clock to 8 o’clock in the morning. 16335. That is six hours each on duty? - Yes. 16336. You divided up the time from 8 o’clock at night until 8 o’clock in the morning in that way? - Yes. 16337. What did you do with regard to day duty - the same? - During the day we relieved each other to suit each other’s convenience. 16338. No regular time at all? - No, but a constant watch was kept. 16339. (The Commissioner.) You mean that there was always one of you there? - Yes. 16340. (The Attorney-General.) Will you just tell us - for the present I am only going to ask you this simply - Is there a Marconi room on board the vessel on which you have to operate? - Yes. 16341. And there was on the “Titanic”? - Yes. 16342. (The Attorney-General.) No doubt your Lordship saw the room on the “Olympic.” (To the Witness.) That is quite close to the bridge, is it not? - Quite close to the bridge. 16343. (The Commissioner.) I suppose it is in the same position as the Marconi room on the “Olympic”? - I believe there is a difference. 16344. In the position? - In the exact position of the cabin. 16345. Is it in practically the same place? - It is in practically the same place. 16346. (The Attorney-General.) Has your Lordship the plan of the “Titanic” - do you see where it is? It is just forward of what is marked as the elevator gear. (To the Witness.) I want to know a little about this. There are, I see, three rooms; there is what is called the silent room, which is, I suppose, the room in which you work where you receive and transmit? - No, the silent room is the one we use for transmitting. 16347. Then there is another room called the Marconi room. What is that? - That is the room where we sit to receive and send our messages. 16348. Then bedroom? - That is the bedroom.
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