Page 72 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
P. 72
The Commissioner: So far as it before the Court; because my anxiety is to know, as I said yesterday, what was the state of Captain Smith’s and the officers’ knowledge of these messages at the time of the disaster. The Attorney-General: Yes, I quite appreciate that. Sir Robert Finlay: I will see that is put in, my Lord. As I understand it, your Lordship would like to have a reference, opposite each message, to the evidence bearing on the point whether it was communicated to Captain Smith or the other officers. The Commissioner: I prefer the expression “to the bridge.” Sir Robert Finlay: I said, “To Captain Smith or the other officers.” The Commissioner: Very well. The Attorney-General: That must be checked. Sir Robert Finlay: Oh, certainly. 17210. (The Commissioner - To the Witness.) Can you explain to me why, if the “Virginian” heard the message from the “Titanic” at 12.28, New York time, you did not hear it? Would it be perhaps that you had not the cap, or whatever you call it, on your head? - Well, I had the telephone on my head the whole time, because I was waiting for a message - The Commissioner: Can you explain to me, Mr. Attorney, why that message of 12.28, which as I understand is obtained from the procès-verbal of the “Virginian,” was not heard by the “Carpathia”? The Attorney-General: We have to work out what 12.28 “Virginian” means. 17211. (The Commissioner.) Of course you have, because it does not mean exactly the difference of one hour 55 minutes; it depends upon the position. (To the Witness.) But what I cannot understand is why, if the “Virginian” was hearing these signals from the “Titanic,” you were not hearing them. I can understand it, you know, if you had not got the instrument over your ears at the time. When you run from the office to the bridge are you able to keep this instrument on your head? - Oh, no, my Lord. 17212. Then if you were running to the bridge you might put it off your head and you would not hear? - Well, yes, if I put it off my head to go to the bridge I would not hear. 17213. And you were running to the bridge at this time, were you not? - No, I did not run to the bridge then. 17214. I thought you were going to the bridge to communicate the messages? - I did most of them. 17215. Then if messages came while you were on your way to the bridge or on your way back from the bridge you would not hear them? - No, I would not; but I was waiting to give the “Titanic” a message at the same time that he sent me this one. The Commissioner: I am afraid you do not quite follow, but I do not think it matters. The Attorney-General: While your Lordship’s mind is upon it, you had better just look at this: We have here the procès-verbal of the “Virginian,” which I will hand up to you and you will see there written out, “12.27 M.G.Y. calls C.Q.; unable make out his signal; ended very abruptly, as if power suddenly switched off - his spark rather blurred or ragged. Called M.G.Y., and suggested he should try emergency set, but heard no response.” (The same was handed to the Commissioner.) The Commissioner: That is enough. It justifies the extract that is put in here. The Attorney-General: It is obvious, if you look at it, that it has not been made after the event. It is there in the middle of the page, in its proper order. (The Witness withdrew.)