Page 74 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
P. 74
17252. Was the haze on the waterline? - Yes. 17253. It prevented you from seeing the horizon clearly? - It was nothing to talk about. 17254. It was nothing much, apparently? - No. 17255. Was this haze ahead of you? - Yes. 17256. Was it only ahead, did you notice? - Well, it was only about 2 points on each side. 17257. When you saw this haze did it continue right up to the time of your striking the berg? - Yes. 17258. Can you give us any idea how long it was before you struck the berg that you noticed the haze? - No, I could not. 17259. Can you tell us about how long you had been on duty before you noticed the haze? - I could not say. I had no watch. 17260. I want you to give us some idea. You came on duty at 10 o’clock. We know that the berg was struck at about 11.40. That gives us an hour and 40 minutes, during which time you were in the crow’s-nest all the time. That is right, is it not? - Yes. You say the first part of the watch it was clear and then there came this change which you have described. I want you to give some idea of when it was you noticed the change - when it got to a haze. 17261. (The Commissioner.) We do not want you to guess, you know; if you cannot tell us you must not guess. The Witness: Well, I daresay it was somewhere near seven bells. 17262. (The Attorney-General.) Somewhere near seven bells, which would be half-past 11? - Yes. 17263. Did you say anything to your mate about it? - Well, I told him there was a slight haze coming. 17264. Is that Lee? - Lee. 17265. At the time that you noticed the haze was there anything in sight? - No. 17266. Did it interfere with your sight ahead of you? - No. 17267. Could you see as well ahead and as far ahead after you noticed the haze as you could before? - It did not affect us, the haze. 17268. It did not affect you? - No, we could see just as well. 17269. You did not report it then, I gather from that? - No. 17270. You did not say anything about it to the bridge? - No. 17271. (The Attorney-General.) I think it is necessary to direct your Lordship’s attention to Question 2408 at page 73 of Lee’s evidence. I have asked him his story in detail, but I think it is necessary to put it to him now. I will read it. (To the Witness.) Just listen to this, Fleet. This is a question put to your mate and I will read you his answer. “Did you notice this haze which you said extended on the horizon when you first came on the look-out or did it come later? - (A.) It was not so distinct then - not to be noticed. You did not really notice it then - not on going on watch, but we had all our work cut out to pierce through it just after we started. My mate” - that is you - “happened to pass the remark to me. He said ‘Well if we can see through that we will be lucky.’ That was when we began to notice there was a haze on the water. There was nothing in sight”? - Well, I never said that. 17272. You never said it? - No. The Commissioner: I may tell you, Mr. Attorney, I am not at all disposed to give credit to that man’s evidence on that point. It is quite inconsistent with all the other evidence. The Attorney-General: I thought it right to call your Lordship’s attention to it, and put it to the witness. I put the conversation to him, and he has given his answer, and there it rests. Your Lordship has to determine which you accept. I gather from what your Lordship said just now - I want to be clear that I am right - that his evidence with regard to the haze as interfering with his
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