Page 108 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
P. 108
21550. How many deckhands in the proper sense of the word had the “Titanic” on this voyage? - 58. 21551. So much for the manning. I do not think I need trouble you for more with regard to that matter. We have had a great deal of evidence with regard to the boats, and I want to take you as shortly as I can. Would it come within your department to take any part in seeing that proper drill takes place? - Yes, in Liverpool and Southampton, in the Home Ports when the clearances take place. 21552. That is before the Emigration Officer holds his survey just before the ship sails? - Yes, and, of course, the annual survey. 21553. Then, in addition to that, you have an annual survey? - Yes. 21554. Tell me, first of all, with regard to the drill before the clearance. Is it the duty of you or one of your subordinates, either at Liverpool or Southampton, to see that drill is properly performed, in conjunction with the Board of Trade Officer? - That is so. 21555. Do you, yourself, and do you see that those under you, give proper facilities for boat drill being carried out? - Yes. 21556. In connection with boat drill, in fact, have you had any difficulties with any of the crew? We have heard in a general way from Mr. Sanderson - you have been sitting there, I have seen you - that he had difficulties. That would probably come more directly before you, would it not? - Yes. In Southampton it would come more under the other Marine Superintendent. 21557. Since when have those difficulties been in existence? - To my knowledge, some 12 months or so. 21558. What has been the class of difficulty that you have had? - The firemen not turning up for this boat drill. 21559. Is this the drill before the ship is cleared? - On the clearance day, yes. 21560. And have you attempted to do anything to deal with that difficulty to get them to turn up? - Yes, we have offered them a half-day’s pay to turn up on the day before. 21561. Before the ship sails? - Before the ship sails, so as to have this drill. 21562. Has that inducement been successful? - No, it has not. 21563. Is it, in your view, a serious matter that you cannot get what you consider to be an efficient drill before the ship leaves her port? - Well, I think it is necessary. 21564. You think it is necessary? - I do think it is necessary. 21565. That they should be there for that drill? - Yes. 21566. You say the inducement which you have offered them in the past has not availed. Are you taking any steps to see if you can now induce them to come? - Well, we are considering the matter. 21567. The matter is under consideration? - Yes, seeing what we can do. 21568. Who is giving it consideration? - Myself and assistants in Liverpool and Southampton. 21569. (The Commissioner.) I do not know how long you have been considering it, but have you arrived at any result? - We have not yet, my Lord. 21570. How long have you been considering it? - We have been considering it since this disaster. We have taken the matter in hand to see if we can really improve matters. 21571. I know, but that is not an answer to my question. I want to know how long you have been considering the matter? - The last two months. 21572. You have not been considering it for two months, you know. Where did you consider it; where were you when you considered it? - In Liverpool. 21573. Where? - At my office. 21574. Is your office separate from the office of the White Star Company? - Yes. 21575. A separate office? - Yes. 21576. And who were there? - My assistants.