Page 111 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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that it would be useful. The Commissioner: What do you mean by “standard size”? Mr. Butler Aspinall: They are of such a size as must hold the number of people required to be carried. The Commissioner: But what does “standard size” convey? It conveys nothing to my mind. I do not know what the “standard size” is or how it is ascertained. Mr. Butler Aspinall: It has to be of a certain cubic capacity, and it has been worked out. The Commissioner: And these were. Mr. Butler Aspinall: Yes, these were. The Commissioner: As I understand, it is calculated that a boat of a certain cubic capacity is fit to carry a certain number. Mr. Butler Aspinall: That is so, my Lord - 65 for the lifeboats under davits, 47 and 40. The Commissioner: Have you asked whether there is any such indication as on the lifeboats carried on men of war. Mr. Butler Aspinall: No, but the Assistant Hydrographer is here for other purposes, and he might be able to give me the information. The Commissioner: Well, ask him. Mr. Butler Aspinall: I am told that there is no such plate or notice. The Commissioner: I was advised by the Admiral that there is no such thing in a man-of-war. What points are you going to examine this witness upon, because he has not afforded me much information so far. Mr. Butler Aspinall: Your Lordship sees his position; he is the Chief Marine Superintendent of the Line. The Commissioner: Yes, I know, but what are the points? Mr. Butler Aspinall: What I was directing his attention to were points which form the subject matter of some of the questions; for instance, manning, drill, boats; and the next question I was going to ask him is this: Have you since this disaster, in view of your position in the Line and in view of your practical experience as a seaman, considered the desirability of increasing the number of boats to be fitted. The Commissioner: Has this gentleman ever been to sea? Mr. Butler Aspinall: Yes, he holds a Master’s certificate, he said. The Commissioner: Quite right; I beg your pardon. Very well, now will you ask him the question. 21609. (Mr. Butler Aspinall - To the Witness.) In view of your position in the White Star Line and your practical experience as a seaman, have you since the disaster, considered the desirability of adding to the number of boats to be carried on a vessel of the class and size of the “Titanic”? - Yes. 21610. You have. Now what opinion have you come to with regard to that matter? - Well, we have already put on board all our ships a number of boats sufficient to carry every soul that is put aboard. With regard to future arrangements, we are waiting results as to what may be said at this Enquiry. 21611. (The Commissioner.) That answer I do not understand. You have done it, and yet you are awaiting results? - I have done it by orders. 21612. Then what results are you waiting for. You have done it, you say? - I put these boats on board according to instructions, my Lord. 21613. Can you tell me now what question Mr. Aspinall asked you? - He asked me if we had considered the advisability of putting more boats on. 21614. Yes, and you said, “Yes”; but he asked you then another question. Do you remember what it was? - I do not remember what it was.