Page 145 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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22107. The life-saving appliance rules of the United States have I think not been recognised by an Order in Council under this Act? - No. 22108. Does the mutual recognition of the British and American passenger certificates include the recognition of the life-saving appliance rules with which the passenger steamers of the two countries have to comply? - It does; the mutual recognition between this country and the United States preceded the passing of the Act of 1906, and it was therefore unnecessary to do anything further. 22109. You have the effect without the Act of 1906? - That is so. 22110. Have you for the purpose of carrying out the duties of your department a large staff assigned to that branch of the department? - I think I may say a very large staff. 22111. So far as is relevant to this Enquiry there is first of all the Head Quarter Staff? - Yes. 22112. That consists of administrative and technical officers with the necessary clerical assistance? - Quite. 22113. The Head Quarter Staff includes a number of principal consultative officers? - It does. 22114. First there is the professional member of the Marine Department? - Yes, he is in a sense Surveyor-General and Chief of the staff. 22115. And he is a sailor? - He is a sailor. 22116. Then there is the Engineer Surveyor-in-Chief? - Yes. 22117. Who is that? - Mr. Boyle. 22118. Will you give us the names as we proceed? - Certainly. 22119. Who is the professional member of the Marine Department? - Captain Young. 22120. And the Engineer Surveyor-in-Chief is Mr. Boyle? - Yes. 22121. And the principal Ship Surveyor or Naval Architect? - Mr. Archer. 22122. Then the principal Surveyor for Tonnage? - Mr. Colvill. 22123. And the principal Examiner of Masters and Mates? - Captain Harvey. 22124. Then there is a Chief Examiner of Engineers and Chief Inspector of Ships’ Provisions? - The Chief Examiner of Engineers is Mr. Seaton - 22125. They do not affect this case, so you need not trouble. Is the executive work of the Department carried on by a large number of officers stationed at the principal ports of the United Kingdom? - It is. 22126. And that staff consists, first of all, of a Survey Staff? - Quite so. 22127. And then the Mercantile Marine Office Staff, Inspectors of Ships’ Provisions, and Examiners of Masters and Mates? - Quite so. 22128. Now the Survey Staff we are principally concerned with in this case. In addition to the principal consultative officers whom you have already mentioned, into how many districts are the ports of the United Kingdom grouped? - The country, including Ireland, is grouped under nine ports. 22129. And in those nine ports are there engineer, nautical, ship, and sanitary Surveyors? - Yes. 22130. And in the duties of the Survey Staff is there first of all the survey of ships for passenger certificates? - Yes, including the hull, equipments, and machinery. 22131. Hull, equipments, and machinery? - Yes. 22132. I will ask you a little more about that presently. Then is there the survey and clearance of emigrant ships? - Yes. 22133. That is in pursuance of the provisions of the Statute? - Yes. 22134. There are a number of other matters with which I need not trouble the Court which also involve duties to be performed by the Survey Staff? - Yes, numerous very important duties. 22135. But not relevant to the particular matters we are enquiring into now? - Probably not. 22136. Now will you direct your attention to the case of the “Titanic”? - Yes.
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