Page 147 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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3,250,000 were carried in British ships? The Attorney-General: I am afraid not. The Commissioner: Very well. 22154. (The Attorney-General - To the Witness.) You told me that by far the larger proportion of passengers included in the total of six millions was carried in vessels belonging to the United Kingdom? - Yes. 22155. Can you give us any indication of what that larger proportion consisted of? - I cannot. The Commissioner: The total loss comes to about four persons in a year. The Attorney-General: That is counting the twenty years. The Commissioner: Yes. The Attorney-General: During the last ten years - The Commissioner: It is much less. The Attorney-General: It is not quite one. The Commissioner: Yes. Taking the whole 20 years it is about four a year. The Attorney-General: Yes. I think your Lordship will find from the figures, if you go back further, that the loss of life has always been a decreasing quantity in proportion to the increasing number of passengers carried. The Commissioner: These figures show that, but, of course, they only deal with two periods of 10 years. 22156. (The Attorney-General.) Yes. I might exhaust the figures as we are upon them. I do not want to go back to them. I am only going to give the summary. Will you just tell me whether this is right: For the 10 years ending the 30th June, 1881, there were 822 lives, crew and passengers, lost? I am going back, as your Lordship sees, to an earlier period, and I am including crew. The figures I gave just now were only dealing with passengers. For the next 10 years ending the 30th June, 1891, were there 247 lives, crew and passengers, lost? - From the 1st July, 1881, to the 30th June, 1891, three vessels and 247 lives. 22157. That includes crew and passengers? - That includes crew and passengers. I thought it was not quite right to confine my observations with regard to statistics simply to passengers, and I compiled these figures to give them both with regard to crew and passengers. 22158. Quite right. And then to the 30th June, 1901, that is carrying the period forward for another 10 years - 183 lives, crew and passengers, were lost? - Yes. 22159. That would compare with the figure of 73 which you gave us first, would it not? The 183 would include the 73? - It would include the 73, yes. 22160. It is the same period? - It is the same period. 22161. So that you have got seventy-three passengers and that would mean 110 crew? - Quite so. 22162. Then for the next period to the 30th June, 1911, there were fifty-seven? - Fifty-seven lives lost. 22163. Of which as we know there were nine passengers? - Yes. There is one remark I ought to make here. This only includes casualties through which over fifty lives were lost. 22164. I was going to ask you that. Does that apply to both sets of figures which you have given us? You have given us first of all the passengers, and then you have given us the crew and passengers? - In the first there is no reservation, I think, with regard to the fifty lives lost. 22165. That stands altogether apart from the calculation you have made? - Yes. 22166. That is both the seventy-three and the nine? - Quite. 22167. But in this later table of the forty years which you have given, that only deals with casualties in which over fifty lives were lost. Is that right? - That is quite right. 22168. I think we understand how that stands, and I do not think we need burden the Court with further figures upon that. Then “Passenger Steamers” is defined in the Statute under the