Page 205 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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Lord. The Commissioner: That is right. Now, I am asking him what there is in this scale which indicates the number of engineers to be carried in a vessel with engines of that capacity or power, and as I understand - I do not know whether I have understood him rightly - there is nothing in this scale. The Attorney-General: There is something, I should think. Sir Robert Finlay: I think the last line seems to indicate it. 22574. (The Commissioner.) I do not know whether Sir Walter will say that? - No. I should like to ask one of my technical officers to answer that question. 22575. The only thing I see is “600 and over” - seven engineers? - There is nothing else so far as I can see at present. The Commissioner: How many engineers did the “Titanic” carry, in fact? Mr. Scanlan: I think the total in the engine room department was 327. Mr. Roche: The engineers numbered about 32. It depends upon whether you count electricians, but they numbered about that. Mr. Scanlan: I was including the engineering department and the boiler department, my Lord, and, from an abstract I have, it appears to be 327. The Commissioner: What is 327? Mr. Scanlan: The total crew carried by the “Titanic” in the engine room and the stokehold. 22576. (The Commissioner.) You said just now that in order to answer Mr. Scanlan’s question you must refer to page 11 of the book under the head of “Engine room Staff.” Now, is there anything else under that heading which will help us? - There is a series of paragraphs after the scale which give the emigrant officer guidance in dealing with this matter. The Commissioner: Let us see what they are. The Attorney-General: It is said to be a guide, and not a hard-and-fast Rule. 22577. (The Commissioner.) “The following scale has been prepared for the guidance of the Emigration Officers with regard to the manning of the engine room and stokehold.” Taking the only figure that can by any means be considered as applying to the present case for engines of the nominal horse power of 600 and over, seven engineers are required, one donkeyman, three greasers, two store-keepers, and one fireman for every 18 square feet of fire-grate surface in the boilers.” Is that right? - Yes, that is as I read it. 22578. That applies to a boat with engines of 600 nominal horse power and over? - Yes, my Lord. 22579. Do you suggest that that constitutes any guide to your Emigration Officers as to the requirements in respect of manning the engine room that should be made when the engines are ten times as great and powerful as those as are specified here? - As far as they go, my Lord. 22580. What do you mean by “as far as they go”? - They go to 600 and over. 22581. I know. But do you mean to say “600 and over” means anything. I do not know how far it means. Do you mean to say that it would have been sufficient in the “Titanic” to have had seven engineers, one donkeyman, three greasers, two storekeepers and one fireman for every 18 square feet of fire-grate surface in the boilers? - Oh, no. 22582. Where is the man who has this book put into his hand to find what he ought to require in the case of a ship with engines like the “Titanic”? - I am afraid I cannot satisfactorily answer your Lordship’s question. 22583. Do you think an answer is to be found at all? - I think the answer will be found when you examine the technical officer who deals with this matter. 22584. It may be so? - Yes, my Lord, that is it. 22585. (Mr. Scanlan.) May I direct your attention, Sir Walter, to the agreement and account of the crew prepared by the Registrar-General. I see some particulars given here as to the number
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