Page 209 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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22613. I am speaking of now? - You are not asking me for an opinion, are you? 22614. I am told not to ask you for an opinion, and I will bow to his Lordship’s ruling. With regard to the Rules for the provision of lifeboats and life-saving appliances, the only alteration made since 1890 is the one alteration from 9,000 tons and upwards to 10,000 tons? - 10,000 tons, and upwards. 22615. And the only additional accommodation stipulated for there is 250 cubic feet - that is on page 17? - That is right. 22616. Two hundred and fifty cubic feet according to your scale means lifeboat accommodation for 25 additional people? - And it also carries with it the additional requirements for additional boats, you know. Every time you raise the proportion of boats in davits you proportionally increase the other, the additional boats. 22617. That is 25 here, and 18, I am informed, with a possible diminution in respect of bulkheads? - I have no reason to think that is wrong. 22618. That is for about 40 people additional? - Yes. 22619. You were asked some questions with regard to America, and your statement to my friend Sir Rufus Isaacs was that at present, roughly speaking, we are in the same position as America for lifeboat accommodation? - Each has accepted the passenger certificate of the other. I am not prepared to say that in every detail they assimilate, because that is not so. Mr. Scanlan: Are you aware that a recommendation, or a Rule, is now in force, since April of this year for ocean going steamers, which provides that “each and every steamer navigating the ocean must be provided with sufficient lifeboat capacity to accommodate every person on board, including passengers and crew, excepting infants in arms.” The Commissioner: That is some American book, is it? Mr. Scanlan: It is the general Rules and Regulations provided by the supervising inspectors as amended in January, 1912, and the date is April 27th of this year. The Attorney-General: That is after the “Titanic.” The Commissioner: I was asking you: Is it an American book? Mr. Scanlan: Yes, I think so. The Commissioner: That is a sort of - if I may respectfully say so, I do not wish to criticise what they do in America - legislation after the event. 22620. (Mr. Scanlan.) Yes, my Lord. We have heard people like Mr. Sanderson say here to you, my Lord, that he and the shipowners were waiting anxiously for the recommendation of your Lordship, and under this Question 26 your Lordship is invited to advise as to what alterations should be made in the recommendations; and in that view I think this alteration in America of very special importance to bring under your Lordship’s notice. The Witness: There has been a great deal done here since the “Titanic” disaster. 22621. Are you aware of this regulation? - I was not aware of it until you told me. The Commissioner: I have at present serious doubts whether it would be a wise thing to direct lifeboat accommodation for every soul on board - I have serious doubts about it. It never has been done. It is quite true that the loss of the “Titanic” appears to point to the probability of it being wise to increase the lifeboat accommodation. Mr. Scanlan: From other information which I am able to place at your Lordship’s disposal, the whole of the shipowners of this country have come to the Board of Trade and have expressed their willingness to put on lifeboat accommodation for every person carried. 22622. (The Commissioner.) That may be? - I should like to say what has been done with regard to that. The President himself has held a series of conferences at the Board of Trade with the shipowners in order to see whether anything could be done to bridge the interval of the loss of the “Titanic,” and the recommendations of this tribunal and of the Committees appointed: the President, by means of conferences with the representatives of the shipowners, and by means of