Page 211 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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brought under your notice? - You mean the improvement of watertight bulkheads. 22631. Or of making better and more scientific provision to ensure that the ship will float after a certain accident? - Yes. 22632. I suggest to you as a reasonable thing, in view of new regulations, that not only should more stringent regulations be enforced in regard to bulkheads, but that it is also reasonable to provide lifeboat accommodation for every person carried on a ship - on an emigrant and passenger ship? - What question do you ask about that? 22633. I suggest to you that it is reasonable and I ask your view? - I do not care to express my view, my Lord, unless you tell me to. This is the way I can answer your question, that I think it is a matter that deserves very attentive consideration. That is my personal view, please. 22634. Your Department is responsible for making regulations to ensure the safety of the passengers carried? - Yes, but in any case I am sure you do not wish to misunderstand me. I am not expressing here today the view of the Board of Trade. I expressed that personal view to you because I thought it was only fair to you. 22635. I think you indicated in your evidence that the question of the speed at which vessels should be allowed to travel in fog or in the presence of ice is a matter on which you are likely to make regulations? - Did I? Mr. Scanlan: It was touched on in the evidence. The Commissioner: When? Mr. Scanlan: I do not remember. The Commissioner: Not by this gentleman, certainly. 22636. (Mr. Scanlan.) Is the question of speed and the presence of ice a matter which is under consideration by the Board? - I think it possibly comes under the terms of reference to the Advisory Committee - possibly, I am not sure. I think so. 22637. I think it does. It is stated by the President of the Board of Trade that that is a matter which he expects to be carefully considered here? - Quite. Mr. Scanlan: Now, with regard to the loadline. Again I agree, my Lord, that it may be fairly said that this is not strictly relevant to the loss of the “Titanic.” The Commissioner: If you fancy that I am going to suggest every point upon which it is possible, and perhaps right, for the Board of Trade to make new Rules you are making a mistake. Mr. Scanlan: Yes, my Lord. The Commissioner: I shall do nothing of the kind. I should never come to an end with this Enquiry. Mr. Scanlan: I had not thought that, my Lord, but I was instructed to raise this point. I thought it might happen that, as there has been referred from this Court the information which your Lordship has collected in regard to bulkheads and watertight compartments, some reference back of that kind might be made in reference to such Rules. The Attorney-General: It opens up such a big question. I hope you will not unless it is necessary. The Commissioner: I cannot go into questions like that - no. Mr. Scanlan: I do not wish to do anything more than indicate that it is a subject in respect of which seamen are dissatisfied with the Board of Trade. Examined by Mr. CLEMENT EDWARDS. 22638. Unless a ship gets a declaration of clearance from the Board of Trade it cannot go to sea? - No. 22639. That is to say, the Board of Trade accepts and discharges the duty and responsibility of saying whether a ship is seaworthy or not? - Are you referring to an emigrant ship?
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