Page 16 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
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in proper working order and of such description and power, and either with or without such other apparatus for extinguishing fire as the Emigration Officer may approve.” I think that exhausts the list. 22797. On an ordinary passenger steamer which does not carry emigrants, or an ordinary cargo steamer, there is no requirement but the one about hose? - That is so. 22798. Is there anywhere any requirement for fire drill on board any ship? - I think not. 22799. Are you personally the officer who appoints these Surveyors under the Merchant Shipping Act? - They are appointed with the approval of the President. 22800. Do they have a form of written appointment? - Yes. 22801. And that is signed by you? - That is usually signed by me. 22802. I think you said to Mr. Scanlan that in making that appointment, you rely upon the fact that he has passed the Chief Ships’ Surveyor? - On that particular subject, yes. 22803. It then becomes the duty of the Surveyors to sign these declarations for passenger certificates? - Yes, if they have passed all the examinations required of them. 22804. And do you, as a matter of course, issue a passenger certificate on receiving a declaration made by one of these Surveyors? - One or more, yes. 22805. I am not going into details with it, because you have referred us to the Chief Ship Surveyor for that purpose. Do I rightly understand you to say that in the case of a passenger steamer it has to be surveyed once a year at least? - At least. 22806. If she is also an emigrant ship she has to be cleared every voyage? - Quite so. 22807. In the case of a ship which is neither a passenger steamer nor an emigrant ship, is there any systematic survey of any kind whatever? - It depends on the meaning of the word “systematic.” 22808. I will leave out the word “systematic.” Is there any survey provided? - Yes, if we have reason to believe or have received a complaint that anything is wrong, we can at once order a survey, and, if necessary, a detention. 22809. But unless you receive some communication from somebody or have a sort of instinct that something is wrong, there is no regular system of survey? - No. 22810. Do you not think that system of survey ought to be extended to all ships? - I am not prepared to express an opinion without very full consideration. 22811. Is not it just as desirable that the boats on a cargo steamer should be in good order as on a passenger steamer? - Oh, they are carefully surveyed every time the vessel is surveyed. 22812. You have told us there is no special provision for a survey? - But every time she has her certificate extended, every time when she gets her certificate, she is surveyed. 22813. What certificate are you talking of now? - The passenger certificate. 22814. (The Commissioner.) Can you tell me whether any cargo boat that leaves Hamburg is surveyed? - No. Mr. Holmes: I was going to ask him about the German regulations. I believe they are very much more stringent. The Commissioner: Can you give me any information? Take Hamburg. Is every cargo ship surveyed before she leaves the port? Mr. Holmes: Not every time she leaves the port, my Lord. The Commissioner: She may never come back again, and she may never have been there before, for aught I know. Can you give me any idea of what the German requirements are as to surveying cargo boats? Mr. Holmes: No, my Lord, I cannot, but I am sure your Lordship would not suggest that because they do not do the right thing in Germany it ought not to be done here. The Commissioner: Not at all; but I have such faith in the good sense of the Germans that if I found they did not do it, I should think they did not do it because there were good reasons for not
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