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have advised on many points connected with boats and manning, and such things. 24584. Reference has already been made to the Committee of 1911. I think you have got, as a matter of fact, a Shorthand Note of all that was said by the members of the Committee which met in 1911, at their various meetings? - Yes, there are Shorthand Notes taken of all meetings. 24585. Was Mr. Carlisle a member of that Committee? - He was appointed a member of a Sub- Committee. 24586. Did the Committee appoint a Sub-Committee? - It was on the 4th April, 1911, that the Board asked the Committee to advise as to whether it was desirable to extend the existing boat scale so that it might deal with vessels of upwards of 10,000 tons, and, if we thought it advisable, as to the manner in which the scale should be extended. The Committee appointed a Sub- Committee to enquire and report upon that. 24587. (The Commissioner.) Was that a Sub-Committee consisting of members of the Committee itself? - There were seven members of the Committee itself. A further explanation is necessary. When the Merchant Shipping Advisory Committee is asked to advise on a matter affecting the Life-Saving Rules, then the Board adds to the Merchant Shipping Advisory Committee in order to comply with the 17th Section of the Act, a second member of Lloyd’s, and one member nominated by the Institute of London Underwriters. The Committee to advise on the Life-Saving Regulations, as you know, my Lord, is a Statutory Committee, and on the Advisory Committee we have only one representative of Lloyd’s, whilst on the Life-Saving Appliances Committee we are bound to have two. Also on the Life-Saving Appliances Committee the London Institute of Underwriters are entitled to be represented. We only have a Liverpool underwriter, so we have to have a second, London, underwriter. The Sub-Committee that we appointed consisted of Mr. Cross, who is one of the representatives of the Liverpool Underwriters; Sir Theodore Doxford, one of the representatives of the Naval Architects; Mr. Rome, who was one of the representatives of Lloyd’s; Mr. Spencer, one of the representatives of the Marine Engineers; Mr. Havelock Wilson, one of the representatives of the Seamen’s Union; Captain Hampson, one of the representatives of the Imperial Merchant Service Guild; Mr. Ogilvie, one of the representatives of Lloyd’s; and myself, one of the representatives of the shipowners. Then that Sub-Committee co-opted, as we had authority to do - 24588. Before you come to what it did I want to understand its constitution. What authority has the Committee to appoint this Sub-Committee? - It is our common practice, my Lord, if we want further information - more detailed information. 24589. But what authority have you. It is a statutory committee? - That is so, my Lord. 24590. Then where do you get your statutory authority to appoint it? - My Lord, we appoint our Sub-Committees to enquire and report. They can take no action themselves. The action is taken by the Committee as a whole. 24591. Is the Committee, as a whole, a statutory body? - Yes. It is provided for in the Act of 1906 in very general terms. It says that the Board of Trade may appoint an Advisory Committee if it thinks fit. It is left absolutely to the Board whom it appoints. 24592. What section do you say that is? - I have not it in my mind, my Lord, at the minute; it is towards the end of the Act. Mr. Butler Aspinall: It is section 79 of the Act of 1906, my Lord, “The Board of Trade may, if they think fit, appoint committees for the purpose of advising them when considering the making or alteration of any rules, regulations or scales for the purpose of the Merchant Shipping Acts, consisting of such persons as they may appoint representing the interests principally affected, or having special knowledge of the subject matter. The Commissioner: That seems to contemplate a Committee appointed by the Board of Trade. Mr. Butler Aspinall: It does. The Commissioner: And this Sub-Committee was not appointed by the Board of Trade; it was
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