Page 193 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
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other from the “Caronia.” The Commissioner: There is no dispute, you told me long ago, as to either of those two, and my feeling at present is those two were in themselves amply sufficient to apprise the Captain of the danger of icebergs. Sir Robert Finlay: They inform him that there are icebergs in the latitude and longitude indicated. The Commissioner: Whether he was right to steam straight ahead relying upon his ability to avoid an iceberg if he saw it is another matter altogether. Sir Robert Finlay: Another matter altogether. The Commissioner: But I am satisfied that he had ample information. The Attorney-General: I am very much obliged to your Lordship; it will save a considerable time. Sir Robert Finlay: It has been admitted a long time ago; as to the fact of those two messages there is no doubt. The Commissioner: My feeling is the two messages are quite enough. The Attorney-General: I do not think you are on the same point as I am, Sir Robert. This has not been admitted, and it has not been proved. That is the point I am on; but my Lord says it is unnecessary to prove any more. The Commissioner: Did he receive any message, or would you be in a position to prove that he received any message indicating the existence of icebergs to the South of his course? The Attorney-General: No. The Commissioner: You see what I mean? The Attorney-General: Yes. The Commissioner: There was a course open to him when he received the “Baltic” and the “Caronia” message. That course was to go in a Southerly direction. Sir Robert Finlay: Yes. The Commissioner: If he did in fact receive messages showing there were icebergs to the South of him that might possibly excuse him for not having taken the Southerly course, because he would simply be running into the same kind of danger that he was already in. The Attorney-General: The message I am referring to is a little to the Northward; but I will not trouble about it. Examined by Mr. SCANLAN. 24976. What is the practice of your Company; what instructions do you get in regard to ice reported in the track you are pursuing? - Will you repeat that? 24977. I think it is probably unnecessary. I will take it your ship belongs to the White Star Company? - Yes. 24978. Very well; we know what their practice is. What is your individual practice if ice is reported? - How do you mean, clear weather or foggy weather? At night? 24979. (The Commissioner.) At night, in clear weather? - We go full speed whether there is ice reported or not. 24980. As far as you know, is that the practice of all liners on this course? - It is. 24981. (Mr. Scanlan.) Do you double the look-outs at night? - No, not in clear weather.