Page 195 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
P. 195
25003. (The Commissioner.) If he comes out in a hurry, summoned by the officer on the bridge from a comparatively light room in which he is, can he see as well from the bridge as he would do if he had been stationed there? - Certainly not, not when he first came out, till he got his eyesight. 25004. How long does it take him to get his eyesight? - In a few minutes we get it, coming out of a white light. 25005. Do you mean minutes or seconds? - Minutes sometimes it takes, if it is a very dark night. 25006. Minutes may make all the difference? - Yes, but an officer on the bridge can inform him what he sees when he comes on it. Sir Robert Finlay: May I ask a question? The Commissioner: Yes. 25007. (Sir Robert Finlay - To the Witness.) You have been a good deal in the Atlantic trade. Have you been on the Northern route? - I have been on what we call the winter track up to August. 25008. I was thinking for the moment of the route which takes you just to the south of the Virgins, in the Cape Race direction, you know that well? - Yes. 25009. Are you sometimes for days there in the ice region? - No, we take a very short time to get through it there. 25010. How long does it take? - About 12 hours. 25011. Through ice in that region? - Yes. 25012. I suppose there is more ice there than there is South? - Oh, yes, considerably more, it is melted before it gets there. 25013. Where do you get most ice? - North - to the Straits of Belleisle, but I have never been there, I have never been to Montreal. Sir Robert Finlay: I did not refer before to the message of the “Caronia,” may I just at this point mention it. It has nothing to do with this Witness. (The Witness withdrew.) Sir Robert Finlay: The message from the “Caronia” was sent on the morning of the 14th, and it was this: “West-bound steamers report bergs, growlers, and field ice in 42º N, 49° 51’ W., April 12th.” The Commissioner: Yes, I remember that. What occurs to me is this, that if they were there on April 12th, one might not unreasonably expect them to be there, not the identical icebergs, but others, on the 14th. Sir Robert Finlay: That might or might not be. The Commissioner: It occurs to me that a man reading that telegram would say: “They were here on the 12th, others may be here on the 14th.” Sir Robert Finlay: However, that is rather a matter of comment, my Lord. The Commissioner: It is a matter of argument afterwards. Sir ERNEST SHACKLETON, Sworn. Examined by the ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 25014. You have had a large experience of ice? - Yes. 25015. I want you to help the Court with your views, as a result of your experience, first of all with regard to the visibility of ice in clear weather. Take icebergs first? - That entirely depends
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