Page 200 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
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seeing icebergs? - Yes. 25080. And that is an advantage which a small boat like yours, which most of us have read about, has. You had that advantage in that boat? - We had that advantage over other vessels to a certain extent. 25081. Your outside rate was six knots? - Yes. 25082. You slowed down in ice to four knots? - Yes. 25083. You say you slowed down. I suppose you experienced in going to the South Pole a very great deal of ice? - Yes, a great deal. We first got into the vanguard of the ice before we got to the heavy pack, and then we got into the region of icebergs, where we had to turn and twist. Sometimes we would have 8 hours’ run, but ice suddenly comes up in front of you, and then you slow down at once. 25084. The pace you speak of, four knots, was when you were in among the ice, turning and twisting, as you have described it? - Yes, when we were in the ice region. I would not like to compare in any way the North Atlantic, with its comparatively few bergs, with the South, but if I were going 20 knots, I would want to get down to the steerage way just the same as when I am going six knots I want to get down to four knots. 25085. But you do not compare the state of things which you found, as you were approaching the South Pole, where you had to turn and twist among the icebergs and masses of ice, with what prevails in the North Atlantic? - No, I do not compare it. The point I look at is, when you get a very fast speed, you must slow down, even as we in narrow waters had to slow down in our little ship. 25086. Slow down to four knots? - We did. 25087. What do you suggest a liner should slow down to? - I am not qualified to give an opinion, but I should suggest a liner should slow down sufficiently to give her steering way, which is, of course, more than the full speed of my own smaller ship. 25088. What do you estimate would give a vessel like the “Titanic” steering way? - I am not qualified to say. I do not know enough of the turning movement of ships over 10,000 tons; I should say 10 knots. 25089. (The Commissioner.) That would be half-speed, practically? - Yes, my Lord. 25090. (Sir Robert Finlay - To the Witness.) Is your suggestion that all liners in the Atlantic should slow down to 10 knots as soon as they know that they may come across an iceberg? - As soon as they know they are in an absolute ice locality, which they can tell now because of the wireless. 25091. My expression was, “As soon as they know they may come across an iceberg”? - No, I do not say that. 25092. What do you mean by an absolute ice locality? - The locality where it is reported and where it is generally known that more than one iceberg will be met - where you are likely to meet masses of ice floating about. 25093. Assume one or two icebergs are reported: Do you say that if the vessel may pass near one of these icebergs she ought to reduce her speed to 10 knots? - No, I do not. I do not say just for one iceberg or two icebergs or ten icebergs if they are nowhere near one another, but if there is a general indication of ice in the locality within a certain area which is fairly well known, a vessel ought to be slowed accordingly at nighttime. 25094. At nighttime? - Yes, only at nighttime, unless it is thick in the day. 25095. Can you give me an idea of the extent of the indication of ice that you say should lead to the reduction to 10 knots. You would not reduce for one or two or ten icebergs? - No. I would reduce if I heard that ice was generally reported, specifically from more than one-quarter. I am taking very modern methods, that is that ice is reported by wireless. 25096. If it is reported, you mean you have something, I will not say equalling, but