Page 42 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
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The Solicitor-General: Then I will have that done, and I will ask a question upon the other point. As regards this other question, as I follow it, it is directed to ascertain how many vessels have sought to take advantage of the reduction in the number of boats on the ground that their watertight compartments justify it. I think that is the point. The Commissioner: This question is not asked with reference to the number of boats carried, but it is to ascertain how many ships have the bulkheads divided to meet the Bulkhead Report of 1891. The Solicitor-General: I do not know whether we can tell your Lordship that. Of course we could do this: we could let your Lordship know how many ships have come to the Board of Trade and have said, “True it is that your regulations require that we should carry such and such a number of boats, but we seek to take advantage of your provision that if we are satisfactorily divided into watertight compartments we may have fewer.” The Commissioner: I thought we had that already in evidence. The Solicitor-General: Somebody has mentioned it, I think. The Commissioner: Was not it said that it averaged about four a year. The Solicitor-General: I have heard some general statement of the sort, and I think one of the Witnesses we are calling will be able to tell you, but that is not the same thing. The Commissioner: No. The Solicitor-General: Because one refers to an application to the Board of Trade, and the other refers to a matter of fact. The Commissioner: Yes, one refers to Rule 12 in one of these small books. The Solicitor-General: In the Life-saving Appliances Rules. It is the last Rule before one comes to the schedule. The Commissioner: Yes, and we had evidence about that; I do not know who it was gave it. Mr. Laing: Sir Walter Howell, I think; I will find the passage. The Solicitor-General: I am very much afraid we cannot give the other information, because necessarily that is not a matter which is brought specifically to the Board of Trade’s notice, unless an application is made. ALFRED YOUNG, Sworn. Examined by Mr. BUTLER ASPINALL. The Commissioner: Is this the last of the Board of Trade Witnesses? The Solicitor-General: No, my Lord. 23139. (Mr. Butler Aspinall - To the Witness.) Are you the successor of Sir Alfred Chalmers in the post of Professional Member of the Marine Department of the Board of Trade? - Yes. 23140. I think you came into office on the first day of September, 1911? - That is correct. 23141. Do you hold an Extra Master’s certificate? - Yes. 23142. I think you have had seven years of command at sea? - Yes. 23143. I think you joined the Board of Trade staff as nautical Surveyor in 1891? - Yes. 23144. And were later on appointed to your present post as professional member? - Exactly. 23145. Was Mr. Carruthers, the Surveyor, surveying the ship whilst she was being built at Belfast? - Yes, so I understand. 23146. Did anything relating to her construction or equipment come before you? - Not directly. 23147. What do you mean by that? - Well, any observations he would have to make with regard to the construction of that vessel would naturally go direct to the Principal Ship Surveyor. 23148. That we have been told is Mr. Archer? - Yes. 23149. But did it reach you in the end? - No, it did not reach me as a direct message, but I have
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