Page 46 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
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As I say, it depends a good deal upon the circumstances in the ship itself and her statical stability. It is more a matter for a naval architect. 23195. Surely it is a matter you will have to consider, is it not, in your position as Advisory Member of this Department? - Undoubtedly. 23196. Probably you have considered it? - Oh, I have considered it, yes. 23197. What is the result of your consideration? - Well, still that I do not consider it advisable to pile up a great number of boats at such a height. It may be all very well in fine weather, but when the ship is rolling heavily, then the ship begins to feel it; she may be tender or otherwise; I do not say that she would be seriously tender, but I think that under certain circumstances she might be tender; it is according to the way in which they work their bunkers out. Examined by Mr. SCANLAN. 23198. Could not you correct tenderness by ballasting? - Well, you can to a certain extent, yes. 23199. That is the recognised way of doing it? - It is the usual method, yes. 23200. I observe your opinion is that the deckhands of the Mercantile Marine are not properly trained in the handling of boats? - That is my opinion. 23201. I suggest to you, as I have to a number of Witnesses here that there should be some method of training by boat drills? - I quite agree with you. 23202. Do you think a more thorough system of boat drills would be effective? - I think it would very probably answer the purpose. 23203. Now it was pointed out in the course of this Enquiry that in New Zealand it is compulsory to have boat drills. Do you think it would help you in carrying out your idea to have boat drills made compulsory? - I would not resort to compulsion until I had exhausted every other means of inducing the shipowner to carry it out. 23204. Have any means been taken by the Board of Trade to impress upon the shipowners the desirability of having effective boat drills, so as to give a training to the whole of the crew? - No, I think not; not to the entire crew. 23205. Do you agree that it would be desirable to make such a recommendation? - No, I do not think it is absolutely essential. 23206. You have heard the questions put to Sir Alfred Chalmers, your predecessor, as to a standard of efficiency? - Yes. 23207. Do you think it would assist materially if a standard of efficiency were set up which would include competency in the handling of boats? - Well, perhaps you would first of all, before I answer that question, give me some idea as to what your opinion is with regard to the standard you wish to set up? 23208. My opinion is not very material to the Court, and I am afraid it would not be to you. Have you any idea yourself? - Certainly I have. 23209. Well, give us your ideas? - Pardon me, after you! 23210. I think you mistake our relative positions. You are a Witness, you know? - Yes. I think you might materially assist me if you give me some idea of the standard you have in your mind, because I do not think we are altogether in disagreement as to the fundamental principle. 23211. Very well, I am glad we agree about something. You say you have an idea as to what would be the training? - Yes. 23212. We may agree further if you just tell me what that idea is? - Well, undoubtedly the primary training that I have in view for a sailor is that he should first of all be sufficiently competent to handle a boat in every form, whether to steer or to pull, or to detach the tackle, or to hook them on again, or to get that boat out from the ship. 23212a. In your opinion would it be desirable to make the possession of that knowledge a
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