Page 49 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
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23252. (Mr. Scanlan.) I agree, my Lord; there has been a good deal of evidence to that effect. (To the Witness.) With regard to the placing of lifeboats on a ship like the “Titanic,” had you submitted to you the design of Mr. Carlisle, a member of your Advisory Committee, who gave evidence here? - No, I have not seen that design. 23253. This is a design showing three or four boats to be operated by each set of davits. Is that practicable? - I suppose it is, but at the same time I have not seen that design, and I do not know whether it was a design that he produced when he was sitting on the Advisory Committee, or whether it was afterwards? - We have it here in Court. The Commissioner: Yes, I saw it. 23254. (Mr. Scanlan.) And it was stated by Mr. Carlisle that it was submitted to the Advisory Committee, so I think we may take it, if you saw the plan submitted to the Advisory Committee, that that is what we are referring to? - I do not remember seeing it. 23255. Did you see any plan submitted by him? - No, I did not. 23256. You have referred to something he submitted to the Advisory Committee. What were you referring to? - I have not seen that. 23257. But you did refer to it? - I only asked you whether that design of Mr. Carlisle’s was submitted when he was sitting on the Advisory Committee or afterwards. What I meant was whether it was before the “Titanic” disaster or after. 23258. Yes, before the “Titanic” disaster? - Because I have not seen it. 23259. It would not have been brought under your notice? - No. 23260. But you agree such a design would be practicable? - Yes. 23261. Your view when you considered the boatage of the “Titanic” was that she should carry 26 boats? - Yes, that is right. 23262. Do you mean 26 boats under davits? - Yes, 26 boats under davits. 23263. Apart from that provision, do you contemplate also that she would carry a certain number of collapsibles of the Englehardt type? - As additional, or they might be open boats, wooden boats. She could carry the additional boats as wooden boats, not necessarily as collapsible boats. 23264. When had you arrived at that conclusion? - When the “Titanic” was under course of construction. The Commissioner: You are alive to the fact, of course, Mr. Scanlan, that when you talk about collapsible boats, you may be including two kinds of boats. Mr. Scanlan: Yes, my Lord. The Commissioner: The Berthon boats and the Englehardt boats. Mr. Scanlan: Yes. The Commissioner: They are different, although they have been frequently in this Enquiry referred to as collapsible boats. 23265. (Mr. Scanlan.) I appreciate that, my Lord. The boats I speak of are the boats which you in the Board of Trade got specially tested at Liverpool and a number of other ports? - Granted. 23266. And these are the kind of collapsible boat which as a point of fact were carried? - Yes, a form of Berthon, better known as Berthon boats. 23267. The Englehardt boats, and not the Berthon boats? - The Englehardt boat is not a collapsible boat. 23268. The sides are collapsible? - No, the sides are not collapsible. The Commissioner: That is where the confusion is. The collapsible boat is the Berthon boat, which doubles up; but the Englehardt, as I understand, is in the nature of a raft with sides of canvas which can be put up perpendicularly. Mr. Scanlan: Yes. 23269. (The Commissioner - To the Witness.) Is not that so? - That is perfectly right, my Lord.