Page 86 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
P. 86
The Solicitor-General: Your Lordship asked yesterday whether we would furnish a chart which showed this new southern track, and, more particularly, the turning point. I am indebted to my friend Sir Robert Finlay’s clients for having had it put upon a chart, and I will hand it in, if I may. The Commissioner: Does that show the old track? The Solicitor-General: Yes, because it is the North Atlantic chart, and it also shows the new one. The Commissioner: And does it show the track that the “Titanic” in fact took? The Solicitor-General: Subject to this, that she ran on, as we know, for an hour. The Commissioner: She did not quite adhere to the track? The Solicitor-General: No, it is a matter of a very few miles to the South. I think your Lordship will see what we are handing in shows it. There has been marked on the chart which is now being handed in in a dotted red line the new outward track, and in a dotted blue line the new homeward track; and the new turning point your Lordship will find is at latitude 38, longitude 45. The Commissioner: The turning point is almost due south of the old turning point. The Solicitor-General: No, my Lord, I think not due South. It involves going 4° of latitude further South and 2° of longitude further East; because the old turning point was 42° 47’. The latitude is 38° whereas it was formerly 42°; that is a difference of 4°, about 240 miles; and as to longitude, instead of the turning point being 47° it is now 45°, that is 2° of longitude more to the East. The Commissioner: And how far to the South? The Solicitor-General: Measured from one point to the other point that is about 260 miles, I think. The Commissioner: To what extent does the change of track lengthen the voyage? The Solicitor-General: In miles? The Commissioner: Yes. 23588. (The Solicitor-General.) I have no doubt Captain Bartlett will be able to tell us that, my Lord. Captain Bartlett: About 220 miles. 23589. (The Solicitor-General.) Perhaps I may just add this; that new track which is marked there in colours, as I understand from Captain Bartlett, is a track for British and German steamers, whether they are going to New York or to Boston or to Philadelphia. Captain Bartlett: That is right. The Commissioner: I suppose, if this new track had been followed by the “Titanic,” she would have been out of the ice track altogether. The Solicitor-General: She would certainly have been out of the region to which those wireless messages referred, but what there was further South one has not the same detailed information about. One would assume she would be out of it. The Commissioner: I do not see on this chart any intimation that icebergs are found as far South as this turning point. The Solicitor-General: Perhaps I may tell your Lordship this - Captain Bartlett gives it to me. If one does not put it graphically, but in words, it will get on the Note. The present track since the disaster, going West, may be thus described: From Fastnet or Bishop’s Rock on the great circle to latitude 38 N., longitude 45 W., then to 38 N., 50 W. (that is going due West), and thence to the port of destination. Then, if one is returning on the easterly course it is proceed to latitude 37° 40’ N., longitude 50° W.; then to 37° 40’ N., 45° W., and thence by the great circle to Fastnet or Bishop’s Rock. I think the Admiral will say that is right. Sir Robert Finlay: With reference to the question your Lordship asked just now, I am informed that ice has been reported on the new track. The ice seems to be passing further South for some reason. The Commissioner: Since the new track has been adopted.
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