Page 89 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
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23608. (The Solicitor-General.) Cannot we limit it to the ice message, because it complicates it so. The Commissioner: What are you going to do? The Solicitor-General: I understand this gentleman will tell you he had a message about icebergs in a particular locality. The Witness: We received a message from the “Royal Edward” reporting bergs in 42° 48.’ The Commissioner: What did you do? 23609. (The Solicitor-General.) I think I understand what your Lordship wants. (To the Witness.) You told us you got several messages - more than one? - There were two from the “Tunisian.” 23610. Never mind; you got more messages than one about ice? - Yes. 23611. Did you come up to the ice; did you see it? - Yes. 23612. Tell us what you did when you found yourself in the neighbourhood of the ice. That is what we want to know? - It was some hours later when we came to the ice. 23613. Whenever it was, what did you do? - When I saw the ice I stopped. 23614. (The Commissioner.) This was pack ice? - Yes. 23615. (The Solicitor-General.) What sort of ice? - Pack ice. 23616. You stopped altogether, did you? - Yes, I stopped altogether. I let my ship run her way off, and then I gave her a touch ahead, so as to get close to the ice, so as to inspect it. 23617. Was this in daylight or at night? - At night, 11 o’clock at night. 23618. Then you say you gave your ship a touch ahead to get close to the ice to have a look at it? - Yes. 23619. What did you find? - Broken ice and lanes between them, so I decided it was safe for me to go through. 23620. (The Commissioner.) To go through? - Yes, my Lord. 23621. (The Solicitor-General.) At what speed did you go through? - Oh, very slow; I picked my way clear of the broken pieces. 23622. And did you succeed in getting through? - Yes, I was through about daylight the next morning, about six o’clock. 23623. After you got the messages about the ice did you continue going on full speed ahead until the ice was reported by the look-out? - Yes, certainly. The Commissioner: Now I see the object. 23624. (The Solicitor-General.) That is the point. (To the Witness.) Is that in your opinion the usual practice? - Certainly, always. 23625. (The Commissioner.) What speed were you going at? - 15 knots. 23626. (The Solicitor-General.) Is that your full speed? - Yes. 23627. What was the weather? - Dark and clear. 23628. (The Commissioner.) Suppose you had had a 22-knot boat would you have gone 22 knots? - I should think it would be just as safe to go full speed with 22 knots. 23629. (The Solicitor-General.) What was the distance at which the ice was picked up. You are going your 15 knots, and it is reported, and then you say you stopped and ran on to reach it. Do you know how far ahead of you it was seen and reported? - Well, I saw the glare of it; I should say about three miles off. 23630. You did yourself? - Yes, and I saw the ice itself fully a mile and a half. 23631. Then I understand you stopped, let your vessel come to a stop, and then felt your way on to inspect it? - Yes. The Commissioner: I think there was some evidence that it was inadvisable to go up these lanes. The Attorney-General: Unless you can see your way through.
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