Page 4 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 32 - 36
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MR. C. ROBERTSON DUNLOP watched the proceedings on behalf of the owners and officers of the s.s. “Californian” (Leyland Line). (Admitted on application.) Mr. H. E. DUKE, K.C., M.P., and MR. VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (instructed by Messrs. A. F. and R. w. Tweedie) appeared as Counsel on behalf of Sir Cosmo and Lady Duff Gordon. (Admitted on application.) MR. F. LAING, K.C., and MR. ALFRED BUCKNILL appeared on behalf of Messrs. Harland and Wolff. (Admitted on application.) Sir Robert Finlay: My Lord, I was calling attention to the passages in the evidence which dealt with the question of the look-out - the suggestion that there ought to have been extra look-out men on the stem. I had finished what Mr. Lightoller said on that point, and I now call your Lordship’s attention to what is said by Fleet with regard to the practice on the White Star Line, of carrying special look-outs. It is very short, and it is connected, of course, with this question of look-out. It is on page 414, Questions 17446 down to 17452. He says that in the White Star Line they carry special look-out men, that he was one of them who signed on as a look-out man, that that was his work, and that is the practice on the White Star Line. Then he is asked at Question 17452: “(Q.) To have special look-out men. Do you know whether it is the practice on other lines? - (A.) I do not know; it is the only company I have been on the look-out.” Summarising, it is that the White Star Line employs special look-out men who have advantages in the way of pay and otherwise, and they are devoted to that work. The ordinary A.B.’s are not employed in rotation upon it, as they are upon some of the other vessels which we have heard about. Then Hogg on page 416 gives evidence on the same point in Questions 17487 down to 17493. He is asked “How long have you been a look-out man? - (A.) I went one trip in the ‘Adriatic’ and three days on this ship. That is all. (Q.) And you have also been employed in ships of the P. and O. Company and the Royal Mail? - (A.) Yes. (Q.) The Union Castle? - (A.) Yes. (Q.) And other lines? - (A.) Yes, and other lines. (Q.) And you have acted as look-out, I suppose, in some of those lines? - (A.) They do not carry look-out men; everybody takes their turn. (Q.) You have acted as look-out, but you did not sign as look-out? - (A.) That is so. (Q.) In these other vessels, as far as I understand you, there was no question of signing as look-out man. It is only in the White Star that has happened in your experience? - (A.) Yes.” Then Mr. Ismay was asked a question on this point at page 447, Question 18701. Mr. Scanlan was examining. “(Q.) You do not issue any similar instructions to your Captains? - (A.) We carry two look-outs always. (The Commissioner.) In the crow’s-nest? - (A.) Yes. (Mr. Scanlan.) But you do not issue instructions; you carry two look-outs for fair weather and foul weather? - (A.) Yes. (Q.) Who are there constantly day and night? - (A.) Yes. (Q.) What I am trying to get from you is this: Do you take any extra precautions in circumstances of danger, such as the proximity of ice? - (A.) No. (Q.) You do not? - (A.) No. (Q.) I put it to you that it would be a reasonable precaution and justified by your recent experience, to give such an order? - (A.) That is a matter which is entirely in the hands of the Commander of the ship; he can put extra look-outs if he wishes to, at any time. (Q.) But do not you think it is a matter on which you might give instructions to your Captains? - (A.) I think it is unnecessary to give those instructions. (Q.) You think the Captains should do it themselves? - (A.) If they think it necessary. (Q.) And double the look-out? - (A.) If he thinks it necessary. (Q.) Did you know that on the night of the accident the weather conditions made it difficult to keep the look-out and to see ice? Did you know that? - (A.) I did not. (Q.) And that the state of the weather was giving considerable anxiety to the Captain, or giving some anxiety to the Captain and to Mr. Lightoller? - (A.) I did not. (The Commissioner.) Does Mr. Lightoller say the weather was giving him any anxiety? (Mr. Scanlan.) He describes the weather conditions as being quite abnormal, my Lord. (The Attorney-General.) Yes, because it was so good. (The Commissioner.) My recollection is that he said you could see
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