Page 15 - The Wonder Book Of Ships - Big Steamers
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I]IG STEAMERS Albion, and Lund's Blue Anchor line. Thelast-namedwas recently acquired by the P. & O. line, which maintains with it a regular service to Tasmania and r\ew Zealand, in addition to the mail gervice already mentioned. Some of the steamers return by way of the South Pacific and the Straits of Magellan. Near ( the latter is Bome of the most desolate and forbidding scenery I in the world. Then, coming I northward up the Atlantic, the steamers eall at l\Ionte Video or ' Rio de Janeiro. The latter is one of the most finely situated of cities, and it is often a point of dispute among travellers'w'hether it or Sydney has the more beauti- ful harbour. No other port is toucheduntil the English Channel is reached, unless calis are made at Madeira or the Azores. The New Zealand Shipping Company, with somo yery fino steamers, has a monthly mail ser- vice from London to Tasmania and OI,T.ANINO A TuNNTL TOP ON ONT OB TEB New Zealand, and there is another CR,TIAT CINVABDDI€. monthly service by Alfred Holt & Co.'s Blue tr'unnel line from Glasgorv and tr'ishguard. Practically all the steamers which take the Cape route call at Teneriffe. If you wish to go to any part of the X'ar East there is an equally embarrassing choice of routes. n'irst and foremost, the great P. & O. Company has weekly services to all ports east of Suez, including Bombay, Karachi and the Persian Gulf ; Colombo, Madras and Calcutta; tho Straits Settlements, and several in China and Japan. There is plenty to interest the voyager at every one of these places. At Colombo he will make acquaintance with the curious outrigger canoes which the