Page 18 - The Wonder Book Of Ships - Big Steamers
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BIG STEAMER,S similar service by the Eenderson line from Glasgod and Liverpool; rina ty the Harrison and Brocklebank lines from Liverpool to Calcutta direct. The Cl'an line sends steamers from several British ports to practically every port on the Indian coast between Karachi and Chittagong. The Bucknall and Strick lines have a joint service from London, Glasgow and Manchester to Port Sudan and the Persian Gulf ; and the Glen and Shire lines together send steamerg from Hamburg, Antwerp, Middlesbrough, Hull and London direct to Penang, Singa- pore, China and Japan. The number of steamers which sail for South Africa is very con- siderable. Besides those which call at Cape Town and Durban on their rvay to and from Australia we have the Union-Castle line, which carries the mails between England and South Africa, and has interme- diate sailings as well ; the departures are from London and Southampton, and calls are made by some of the steamers at lfadeira, Ascension and St. Helena. The Union-Castle also has a gervice right round Africa in connection with the Royal East African steamship service, with calls at some Red Sea ports, and several places on the east coaet. The Clan, Harrison and Ellerman lines have a joint service aid, ths Suez Canal to Red Sea ports, while the East African ports touched at by both services are Zanziba4 Mombasa, Kilindini, Chinde, and Delagoa Bay, and so on to Natal. The Clan line also sends steamers from Glasgow and Birkenhead to Natal, Delagoa Bay, Beira and llaurit,ius. All the steamers which call there on their way to Australia land passengers for South Africa ; and there are also Messrs. Bullard, King & Co.'s Direct line to Natal, Rennie's Aberdeen line to Nataf and the llouston line. 'fhe west coast of Africa is'servedfrom Liver- pool by llessrs. Elder, Dempster & Co., Ltd. , If you u'ish to go to the West Indies you will choose the Royal llail Steam Packet Oompany, which has a direct line to some of tho principal islands and an inter-colonial service among the other British islands. This line also has sailings from the West Indies to Venezuela, Panama and New York. At Colon you can cross the Isthmus to Panama and join one of the Pacific Stcam Navigation Cornpany's vessels for a tour lrorn port to port down the west coast of South America. The Pacific Steam l{avigation Co. has been taken over by the Royal MailCompany, and there is not a port of importance on the whole South American Continent that is not served by the steamers of one or other of theso cornpanies. The Harrison and Leyland lines maintainregulareervices