Page 13 - Building A Big Ship
P. 13
TURN,ET STDAMERS steamers is raised to form tho cre\"g quarters, or fo'c's'le ; amidships is the deck-house, accom- modating the cap- tain and officers, and .1, " runnET " str.r,urn spEcrat,r,y coNsrRUcr.ED roR caBBytNo at the stern is an- IRON.ORE. other raised deck, called, according to its method of construction, a " poop " (a deck built above another deck), or a raised quarter-deck, which in single-deck -1 vessels is formed by raising a portion of the deck. The space r- ./=*-- ',/a:+ R between the fore- ' t.n F. ''r' , castleand the bridge' q F.j,, -'" house is called the i \ r' t" \'. .,trir ' 4 , .i " well " ; this is not lnti, ?t covered in, becauso iiffnt in its open state it i;.&, allows any water which comes over the borvs to fall into ' it and flow awa,y aEcrroN oF Brtr,t caRoo EoLD ol t " TURR&T " a:nerlg. through the scup- pers, and also be cause in its open state it adds to the safety of the vessel. Ships constructed on these lines are called " three island " ves- | sels. ; Among special forms of steamships may be mentioned the "turret" type, the shape of which (Photos 6Nl diunm rcVrodwd W 6utt slt ol Mau.. Wm. Dorlnd ih $ottt, I'r&, Suad
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