Page 14 - Building A Big Ship
P. 14
CARGO STEAI\IERS illustrations showing a section of a turret ship and & vessel afloat with a ca,rgo of timber. .Other ves- sels ha\e immensely long holds, free from all obstructions, for the> ra,pid loading and unloading of large quantities of Blt @t*lz.y oll tgcotl't thipbuikttnq Co., Qrecml, orL-TANK grtautB tt NA!,BAqaNSETT." grain or ore; and oil features peculiar to When the " Volturno " wae deetroyod by ffro in Mid-Atiairtio in Ootober, 1913, tho " Nerragansott " poured ite oil on tho waves and the trade for which thus groatly aegistod the work of thoge who reecued thepassengere. they'are intended. Nor are the steamers on which we mostly depend for our Sunday dinner of little importance. The old idea that meat is packed in ice and frozen, being " thawed "'out, on attival here, is quitp wrong. Tho meat is fuozen, but is chilled. It is kept in chambers on the ship, in a temperature maintained at freezing point or a fraction over it. Some vessels cen ca,rry over 100,000 sheep carcases. Many modern cergo steamers are without nasts, but have a number of derricks, or cranes, arranged either singly or in pairs. R. A. X'r,ntcnrn. I 1 l .$, ! :t": : - ,rl t' By court2sy ol) trttituotfi & co Ltd' ,. ' inr orr, TANK srE-\MER " .arms*ons' 160 ".rJ"f"K;^f;
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