Page 36 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 1 - 5
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98. Who was the other? - Weller. 99. You say Mr. Murdoch said “women and children first,” and what was done? - Well, we put all the women in that was there, and children. Up to that time there was not many people; we could not get them up; they were rather afraid to go into the boat; they did not think there was anything wrong. 100. Were there men passengers there too? - Yes, we had some men passengers. 101. Did any of them get into your boat? - Yes. I do not know how many. There was three or four there. Three or four Frenchmen there - I do not know whether they got into the boat. 102. I only just want to know; did any men passengers get into No. 7? - Yes. 103. Three or four? - Yes. 104. Was there excitement? - No, Sir, none at all; very quiet. 105. And how many people got into No. 7 before she was lowered? - I could not say; it looked pretty full; there was not much room to work in her. 106. But you do not know the number? - No, I could not say the number at all. 107. You were one of the seamen told off for her. Did you get into her? - Yes, there were three seamen into that boat. 108. Where was the third? - I never see no fireman or no stewards up there at that time; it was about the first boat to be lowered. 109. Number seven was? - Yes. 110. And how is it done on a big liner like this: when you lower the boat from the rail down to the water, is it done from the boat or from the deck? - From the deck. 111. So that the people in the boat would not do the lowering away? - No, just keep the boat off the ship’s side. 112. Did she get down to the water safely? - Yes. 113. Were there oars in the boat? - Yes. 114. A proper number? - Yes. 115. Was she provisioned? - I never saw any biscuits or nothing; I do not know whether there was any; I do not know that there was anybody looking for any. 116. Had she got any light? - No. 117. (The Commissioner.) Is a lifeboat usually provided with a light? - I think so, Sir; I do not know about every one. 118. And where is the light kept? - In the after-locker; the locker in the afterend of the boat. 119. Did anyone take it out and light it? - No; there was none there. We had a look to see if we could find a light, and there was none there. 120. Whose business was it to look after the light? - Well, I think the men in Southampton came on board ship to look after all that, to see that the boats were all looked after. 121. (The Solicitor-General.) Who was in charge of the boat? - Hogg. 122. That is the look-out man you spoke of, is it? - That is right. 123. There was Hogg and yourself and Weller? - Yes. 124. Were those the only three members of the crew in the boat? - That is all. 125. When you got down to the water, had you got any of these men passengers in them? - Yes. 126. They stayed in? - Yes. 127. You say you thought about four? - Well, I should say about that; I could not say the exact number. 128. Then the rest of them would be women and children? - Yes. 129. Were there any children? - We had one I think, that was all; the rest were women. 130. And you said, you did not know how many there were altogether, but I want to know was the boat full or not? - Well, she might have held a few more, Sir.