Page 39 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 1 - 5
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of the machinery? - I never heard nothing. 187. It is suggested that the heavy machinery fell. Now just come back to your boat for a minute. Did your boat pick up anybody out of the sea? - No, not one. 188. So that you landed the same number of people into the “Carpathia” as got into the boat at the rail level? - Well, we took two or three out of Mr. Pitman’s boat. 189. That is the Third Officer? - Yes. 190. Because you had got more room than he had, I suppose? - Yes, to make it more even. 191. Did he remain in command of your boat the whole time till you got to the “Carpathia”? - Yes. 192. And how many of you were rowing? - Me and Hogg was doing most of the work; the rest were trying to pull. I was pulling from the time I went in the boat to the time we got alongside the “Carpathia.” 193. What time did you get alongside the “Carpathia”? - It must have been somewhere about 7 or 8 in the morning or getting on that way. 194. (The Commissioner.) What time was it? - 7 or 8 in the morning. 195. (The Solicitor-General.) I will just ask you this: Had you seen any ice after the accident and before your boat was launched? - No. The Commissioner: He saw a little, as I understand, on the deck. 196. (The Solicitor-General.) I meant really in the water. (To the Witness.) Did you see any icebergs when you were in your boat? - When it became daylight. 197. (The Commissioner.) What time did it become daylight? - That I could not say; there was nobody had any time. 198. Would it be about half-past five? - I should say it would be about that time. 199. When it became daylight you saw some icebergs, do you say? - Yes. 200. (The Solicitor-General.) Did you see many of them? - Yes, a lot, all around us. 201. Except for drifting, how far were you from where the boat sank? - We could not tell. We were drifting along with the wreckage. We could not tell where the boat went down; when it came daylight we had no idea; we had been drifting all night. 202. And had the wreckage been drifting with you alongside? - Yes, I expect so. Examined by Sir ROBERT FINLAY. 203. You say that when you looked over the side the ship was stopped? - Yes. 204. Can you tell us when it was that you looked over the side? - Just after the accident, just after she struck; I rushed right up from below. I got out of my bed and went on deck. 205. Only one other question. Did you try to find any people to pick up? - Yes. There were only two to do any pulling; we could not get the boat about. 206. You did your best? - Yes; we done our very best. Mr. Scanlan: With your Lordship’s permission, I propose to ask some questions. Examined by Mr. SCANLAN. 207. While you were on the look-out, were you given glasses? - No, we never had any glasses. 208. Had any glasses been supplied from the commencement of the voyage? - No. 209. When you have been on other liners, has it been usual to provide the look-out man with glasses? - Well, we had them in the “Oceanic.” I was on the look-out once there. 210. Is the “Oceanic” the only other large liner you have been on? - Yes. 211. So far as you know it is the practice to supply glasses? - I can say nothing about that, because I could not say.
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