Page 41 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 1 - 5
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245. So that the first message of ice was not communicated until half-past time? - No, it could not have been. 246. Now, with regard to the boat drill, did you personally take part in it at Southampton? - Yes. 247. What boat did you go to when the order was given for boat drill? - Well, there was only two got ready, and so many told off for each. 248. Were you assisting in lowering one of the two lifeboats that were actually let down into the water at Southampton? - Yes, the two forward ones. 249. How many assisted at each boat? - Nine sailors and a quartermaster and an officer. 250. How many? - About eleven, I think. 251. Eleven seamen? - Yes, something like that; a quartermaster, an officer, and seven or eight seamen. 252. Did any firemen assist in the lowering of the boats at the trial? - At Southampton? 253. Yes. - No. 254. Did any stewards assist at the lowering of the boats? - No, only sailors. 255. You have told us that in the list which was set up in the forecastle you were assigned to this boat, No. 7. Who were the others set down for this boat? - Weller. I know Weller was there; who else I could not say. 256. At this boat which you assisted in lowering in Southampton, you say eleven seamen were engaged in the lowering? - Not in the lowering; two men would lower away the boat. 257. How were the eleven engaged? - They were the crew of the boat. 258. What was the crew of the boat’s work? - To pull and practice - pulling round the harbour and back. 259. How many were engaged in pulling her round the harbour? - I suppose there were six or seven pulling. 260. And were these six or seven able seamen? - Yes. 261. What I want to make clear is, amongst the six or seven you had not any firemen? - No. 262. Or stewards? - No, all able seamen. 263. Now, so far as the firemen and stewards were concerned, did they at Southampton or anywhere else get any practice or any training either in lowering boats or rowing them? - I never saw them. 264. (The Commissioner.) You saw none? - No. 265. (Mr. Scanlan.) Can you tell the Court how many firemen were expected to assist you as part of the crew of No. 7? - No, I could not say; I never saw their list. Their list is down in a different place from mine. 266. Is the list which is exhibited in your cabin merely a list of the deckhands? - Of the deckhands. 267. And on that list is it the case that there was no other name except yours and Weller’s? - I think there was a quartermaster; I am not sure. We only go and look for our own name when we are on a job like that. 268. Then a third man came on? - Yes. 269. Hogg? - Yes. 270. Are you quite sure that Hogg’s name was not on this list? - I am not sure. 271. So that you do not know whether No. 7 was Hogg’s boat or whether he belonged to some other? - I could not say that. 272. Is it not a usual thing when there is boat practice to call to the boat deck all the men who are expected in an emergency to go with that boat? - Yes. Once on the trip. Once going out and once coming home - twice on the trip. 273. Had this been done on this trip? - No; it is generally done on the Sunday, but it was not