Page 42 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 1 - 5
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done on that day. There was a strong wind. 274. (The Commissioner.) This was the first Sunday you were out? - Yes. 275. Had it been done on that day? - No. It was blowing hard that day; there was a strong wind that day; that was the reason why it was not done. 276. (The Commissioner.) A strong wind on what day? - On the Sunday. 277. What Sunday? - On the day of the accident; a strong breeze blowing all that day. 278. I thought the sea was quite smooth? - So it was when the accident happened. 279. Then the wind had gone down? - Yes, it had gone down as the sun set. 280. (Mr. Scanlan.) What time did the wind abate on the Sunday? - It went down as the sun began to go away. 281. And you say that that was the reason you had no boat practice. Who told you so? - Well, that is the only thing we knew. (After a short Adjournment.) Mr. Quillium: Will your Lordship allow me to make an application on behalf of the National Union of Stewards. They had over 200 members on board the “Titanic,” and they have over 15,000 stewards, members of their union, in the British Isles, and they am greatly concerned that they should be represented here, as there are many points which they wish to bring out which concern the stewards on these boats? The Commissioner: Very well. Be moderate in the questions which you ask. 282. (Mr. Scanlan.) I have a few more questions, my Lord. (To the Witness.) I understand there were three of you seamen in the lifeboat No. 7? - Yes, Sir. 283. Besides you three was there any fireman? - No. 284. Had you any assistance in the manning of that boat besides the three of you? - There were two gentlemen there who helped as well as they could. 285. They were passengers who by chance knew something about handling a boat, and they gave you assistance? - They did not know much about it, Sir. 286. To handle a lifeboat in a rough sea, in an ordinary sea, how many men would you require? - We would want six at the least, Sir. 287. Six trained men? - Oh, yes, we would want six men who understand the boat. 288. And you had only three? - That is all, Sir. The Commissioner: It was similar on this occasion. Mr. Scanlan: Yes, Sir, it was similar on this occasion. 289. (The Commissioner.) I suppose when you did get on board this lifeboat, in point of fact the men you had with you were able to manage it? - There were only three. 290. Was it swamped? - No, Sir, it was not swamped. 291. (Mr. Scanlan.) I think you said you were tired out when you were picked up? - I was myself. 292. (The Commissioner.) What do you say? - He asked me if I was tired when I was picked up, and I said I was. 293. You were on the boat for something like eight hours, were you not? - About seven hours. 294. Had you anything to eat? - No. 295. Had you anything to drink? - No, I had nothing, Sir. 296. (Mr. Scanlan.) When you speak of six men being required do you mean seamen, or would that allow for some of the men being stokers? - It does not matter who it is, so long as they understand how to handle a boat. 297. Now to your knowledge, had any of the men in the ship’s complement knowledge of manning boats except the seamen, the A.B.’s, and the deckhands?