Page 5 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
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Sir Robert Finlay: Exactly, my Lord. 16089. (The Solicitor-General.) The only importance, if I may say so, of the “Caronia” message is this, that it gives us an illustration of the system, and therefore enables you to judge whether the evidence in the case of the “Mesaba” proves the point or not. That is the reason I want to call attention to it. I think Sir Robert will see it has a bearing in that way. (To the Witness.) Let us see what you know with regard to the “Caronia,” supposing we had to rely upon you for evidence. Have you the procès-verbal of the “Caronia”? - Yes. 16090. You have told us what that is. Now can you find in the procès-verbal of the “Caronia” any entry showing that the “Caronia” sent a message to the “Titanic” on the morning of the 14th April, and the time of it. 7.10 a.m. I think it was? - There was no entry in the procès-verbal of the ice message. 16091. But please listen to me for a moment. I am asking you a question. It is quite clear. Have you got in the procès-verbal of the “Caronia” any indication of a message being sent to the “Titanic” at 7.10 a.m.? - No, I have not. 16092. (The Commissioner.) I should like to see that procès-verbal so that I may understand it? - I have it here. I was looking at p.m. “7.10 a.m. sent one to M.G.Y.” 16093. (The Solicitor-General.) What does “M.G.Y.” mean? - The “Titanic.” 16094. And 7.10 a.m. is 7.10 a.m. by what time. It is New York time, is it not? - Yes. 16095. So there is a record in the procès-verbal of the “Caronia” sending a message to the “Titanic” at that time? - Yes. 16096. Have you a copy of the message? - Yes. 16097. What is the time of it? - 7.10 a.m. 16098. New York time? - New York time. 16099. Just read it out? - “Captain, ‘Titanic.’ West-bound steamers report bergs, growlers, and field ice in 42 degrees N., from 49 to 51 W. April 12. Compliments. Barr.” The Solicitor-General: Now, my Lord would like to see the procès-verbal. The Commissioner: The date of the message is the 14th. The Solicitor-General: Yes. th The Commissioner: But the ice has been reported on April 12 . The Solicitor-General: That is quite right. The Commissioner: Let me see this procès-verbal. It is what I should call a diary. The Solicitor-General: That is exactly what it is, my Lord. The Commissioner: A diary kept by the Marconi operator on board the ship. The Solicitor-General: It is a log really kept in order of time. (The procès-verbal was handed to the Commissioner.) The Commissioner: I cannot read it very well? - “Sent one to M.G.Y.” 16100. Yes. “About 50 words ZZ received.” What does that mean? - That is a reference to another piece of work which he had been doing. 16101. (The Solicitor-General.)The entry which refers to this is “7.10 a.m., sent one to M.G.Y.”? - Yes, and there it concludes. 16102. (The Commissioner.) What follows about “50 words ZZ received” has nothing to do with this? - No, nothing. The Solicitor-General: Your Lordship will see the only message he is there making a note of. Sir Robert Finlay: May I see it, my Lord? The Commissioner: Yes. (The procès-verbal was handed to the Learned Counsel.) 16103. (The Solicitor-General - To the Witness.) Will you hand the message up to my Lord? - Yes. (Handing same.) 16104. And is that piece of paper which is now in the hands of Lord Mersey the document that
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