Page 6 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
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you get in the ordinary course from the “Caronia,” a copy of what was sent at 7.10? - Yes, or rather that is the original. 16105. That is the original? - Yes. 16106. (The Commissioner.) Can you tell me this. Does the Captain of the “Caronia” fill up this form himself and hand it to the Marconi Officer on board his ship? - It is the practice; either the Captain or one of his responsible officers. The Solicitor-General: Your Lordship will see it is written on a form really like the sort of telegraph forms we are familiar with in Post Offices. The Commissioner: Yes, of course it is. 16107. (The Solicitor-General.) Now have you also got the acknowledgment of the “Titanic” sent back to the “Caronia” of that message? - Yes. 16108. You are holding that in your hand now? - Yes. 16109. Is that also supplied in the ordinary course to your office from the “Caronia”? - Yes. th Sir Robert Finlay: Your Lordship will observe that on this telegram “12 April” appears at the end, that does not appear in the version of the message, I think, given in Captain Barr’s evidence. The Solicitor-General: No, I am very glad we have the original. It is agreed, I think, Sir th Robert, that 12th April means that he had seen the ice on 12 April. Sir Robert Finlay: I think that is what it must mean. The Solicitor-General: The message is sent on 14th April. Sir Robert Finlay: Yes. 16110. (The Solicitor-General.) Now, will you just read the answer that you have got from the “Caronia” - “Time received l.26 p.m. Date, April 14th, Captain ‘Caronia.’ Thanks for message and information. Have had variable weather throughout - Smith.” The Commissioner: Now about that message there is no dispute. The Solicitor-General: No, my Lord. The Commissioner: I do not want you to make admissions, Sir Robert, but as far as I know that is so. Sir Robert Finlay: As far as I am aware, there is no dispute at all about the “Caronia.” The only thing is that Captain Barr does not say in the version he gives of the message anything about th April 12 . The Solicitor-General: That only shows it is worthwhile looking at the original. Sir Robert Finlay: It does. That may be so, but that is the only point in which anything is added to what had, and is not in dispute. The Commissioner: That may be a point of importance. 16111. (The Solicitor-General.) That is the second one your Lordship sees. I went through it in a little detail to show your Lordship the system, because it is by means of that that one judges of the value of the evidence that is coming, as your Lordship will see. (To the Witness.) Now may we go to the third one. The third one that I wanted to ask you about is the message from the “Amerika.” Is the “Amerika’ a German steamer of the Hamburg-Amerika Line? - It is. Sir Robert Finlay: Your Lordship asked me to say which we admitted being given to the officers. We do not admit this. 16112. (The Solicitor-General.) I want to show, my Lord, what the facts are here as far as we know them. We will deal with them in the same order. (To the Witness.) First of all have you got the procès-verbal of the “Amerika”? - I have. 16113. It is a German ship and the entry is in German? - It is. 16114. Just mark it in the margin and we will hand it up. “Sunday, 14th April, 1912.” I think it is at 11.47? - That is it. 16115. Is that a.m.? - A.m.. 16116. New York time? - New York time.