Page 10 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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20192. It corresponds roughly to that which we have on the wall? - In general terms, yes. The Commissioner: Now, am I to understand that this double bottom of the ship in the “Titanic” is carried up from the external portion of the bilge 16 feet? Mr. Rowlatt: No, my Lord, 7 feet. 20193. (The Commissioner.) Then I misunderstood you. (To the Witness.) In the “Titanic” it is one foot short? - Yes, one foot less. Mr. Rowlatt: Your Lordship has the amidships section, I think, which will show you on the “Titanic.” I have not a copy, but Mr. Wilding gave you one. The Commissioner: But it is quite enough. Mr. Wilding tells me they carry up the double bottom about 7 feet above the turn of the bilge. Mr. Rowlatt: No, from the bottom of the keel, my Lord. The Commissioner: Yes, from the bottom of the keel. Mr. Rowlatt: Yes. The Commissioner: From what one may call the external bottom of the ship. 20194. (Mr. Rowlatt.) Yes, the very lowest part of the outside of the ship. (To the Witness.) The result of it being a foot higher is that it comes more round the bilge of the ship? - The bilge of the “Lusitania” is rather rounder, that is it has a bigger sweep than the bilge of the “Olympic” or “Titanic,” consequently 8 ft. in the “Lusitania” carries it up to about the top of the large curved part of the bilge in the same way that our 7 feet does. 20195. (The Commissioner.) Structurally you would say that their double bottom extends as high as the “Mauretania’s”? - Not in feet and inches, but relatively to the turn of the bilge. 20196. Not in feet and inches, but as a matter of construction, you say they are the same, I understand? - To the same point up to the turn of the bilge - to the top of the turn of the bilge - it takes a foot more for the “Lusitania” to get there. 20197. It takes a foot more in the “Lusitania” to get to the point which you reach with your double bottom in the “Titanic”? - That is right, as I understand it, my Lord. Of course I am not an expert on the “Lusitania.” Mr. Rowlatt: No, I do not ask you to criticise the “Lusitania” for a moment; I am only just getting these facts. 20198-9. (The Commissioner - To the Witness.) Let me ask you, do you mean to say that the space from what may be called the flat of the side to the skin of the ship is the same in both vessels? - Owing to a rather larger sweep round the bilge in the “Lusitania” and “Mauretania” to reach the flat of the side you have to go rather higher up the ship’s side. But the space between the flat of the side and the skin of the ship in the “Titanic” and in the “Mauretania” would be the same. Mr. Rowlatt: Do you mean between the two skins? 20200. (The Commissioner.) Where the double bottom joins the skin of the ship in the one vessel and in the other is the space from that point to the flat of the side, the same in both ships? - Roughly; that is, they are both round the turn. 20201. I do not know what “roughly” means? - I have not the details. 20202. But when you say “roughly,” do you mean within a few inches? - As far as I know, my Lord. 20203. (Mr. Rowlatt.) Of course you do not know in detail anything about the “Mauretania” or “Lusitania”? - Not in exact detail. 20204. You are just looking at this plan I put before you? - Yes. 20205. (Mr. Rowlatt.) Now, would your Lordship continue to look at that plan for a moment? (To the Witness.) The circumstance that the shape of the bilge is different in these two ships gives a different appearance of shape to the shaded part, representing the double bottom. In yours it comes straight across, and ends in a sharp point? - Yes.