Page 9 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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him pass? - I was secretary to the chef, and I said to the steward, “I am secretary, and there is the chef. Can you let me pass?” and he said, “All right, get away,” and he let me pass. 20187. (Sir Robert Finlay.) I thought you said you were dressed so that you might be supposed to be a passenger? - I think so; I was dressed like a passenger, just like this. The Attorney-General: The steward might have thought that the secretary to the chef was a passenger. The Commissioner: It was his dress, and that he was secretary to the chef; the two together got him through. (The Witness withdrew.) Sir Robert Finlay: My Lord, Mr. Sanderson would like to make a correction with regard to one thing he said yesterday, if your Lordship will let him. The Commissioner: You need not go into the box, Mr. Sanderson, if you tell us what it was. Mr. Sanderson: Thank you, my Lord. In the report of my evidence in regard to the boating of the “Olympic” there is a possibility that I would be misunderstood in the record as it now is. I would like to say that after the accident to the “Titanic” we started out with the intention of boating the “Olympic” to the full extent of her capacity for passengers, that is to say, for about 3,500 people, 60 odd boats; and we found we were getting into such a ridiculous position, we were crowding the ship so with boats, that we modified those instructions and directed them to only boat the ship for the actual number of passengers and crew she was carrying at the time, and that is now the policy we are carrying out, which is a considerable reduction from the original intention. The Commissioner: Very well. EDWARD WILDING, Recalled. Further examined by Mr. ROWLATT. Mr. Rowlatt: We were on page 11, my Lord; we were dealing with the double bottom. The Commissioner: Yes. 20188. (Mr. Rowlatt - To the Witness.) Now, Mr. Wilding, I asked you yesterday about carrying up the double bottom a little higher. We have got here particulars of the way in which the “Mauretania” and “Lusitania” are built in that respect. Do you know, as a matter of fact, how they are built? - In general terms; they are interesting ships, and one follows their general construction. Mr. Rowlatt: Would your Lordship mind looking at this plan. It will simplify matters enormously. (Plan of the “Mauretania” and “Lusitania” was handed to the Commissioner.) 20189. (Mr. Rowlatt - To the Witness.) Perhaps you might come down here, as the plans are rather few. Will you look, first of all, on the transverse section on the right of the plan here. You see the double bottom there is carried up 8 feet from the level of the bottom of the keel? - Yes. 20190. I see there is “8 feet” marked up against it in the margin. Now how does that compare with yours? - It is carried one foot higher than is shown on the amidships section. The Commissioner: What is the section I am looking at? Mr. Rowlatt: It is the transverse section of the “Mauretania” and “Lusitania.” The Commissioner: Two Cunarders. 20191. (Mr. Rowlatt.) Yes, amidships. (To the Witness.) Is this amidships? - About.