Page 5 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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20094. Do I understand it rightly, he was encouraging a lady to get into the boat? - Yes, because no lady or gentleman would like to go; everybody thought it would be quite safe. 20095. When you heard the bell ringing, giving the alarm in the third class corridor, did you see other persons coming out of that third class corridor? - Yes, a lot of persons came from the front and went to the back, some of them with luggage, some with children. Some showed us a piece of ice. 20096. What I want to understand from you is, the effect apparently of the ringing of the bell there was to alarm the third class passengers in that corridor? - Yes, it was to alarm the third class passengers. 20097. I thought I understood you to say that some went forward? - I do not follow exactly. 20098. Were you near the chef’s room? - Yes. 20099. That will help us - on the same deck? - Yes, on the same deck and the same corridor. 20100. That would be deck E - near the pantry were you? - It was marked “pantry,” but no pantryman was with us; it was washing men - men who washed the plates. 20101. What were the men who were in the cabin with you? - The pastry cook and two washing men. They washed some plates or glasses or something like that. 20102. (The Attorney-General.) I see about where it is. If you look at E deck, my Lord, it is somewhere here (Pointing on the plan.) (To the Witness.) When you speak of the third class corridor, I should like to understand what you mean by that. Was that the corridor into which your cabin opened? - Yes. 20103. And were there also a number of third class cabins with passages leading down to the side of the ship? - Yes, the cabin of the chef was just close to the ship. 20104. Close to the side of the ship? - Yes. 20105. That is where your cabin was, do you mean? - Yes, I was three before. 20106. So you had to walk down the corridor to get to yours; it was the fourth cabin, the nearest to the side of the ship? - No, that was for the chef only; the chef was the nearest cabin on the side of the ship. I was four or three rooms before. The Attorney-General: Your Lordship sees the “chef”; that is on the port side and he is quite right. That is the closest; that is just on the side of the ship, against the side of the ship. The Commissioner: Yes. 20107. (The Attorney-General - To the Witness.) And you say you were before that? - Yes. The Attorney-General: He means by that that there were four. The Witness: Four or three cabins and three people with me. We were four together. 20108. There were three cabins? - Yes. 20109. Yours was one of the three cabins? - Yes, the last one. 20110. In your cabin there were four persons? - Yes. 20111. (The Attorney-General.) Then what he means, I understand, my Lord, is that there would be three cabins before you got to the last cabin against the side of the ship. (To the Witness.) So that you would have to walk down a corridor or an alleyway, and yours would be the first of the three. Was it so? - The first of the three, the nearest to the corridor. The Attorney-General: That is right, it would be nearest to the corridor before you turn. 20112. (The Commissioner - To the Witness.) When you were walking towards the chef’s cabin, was your cabin on your left-hand side? - On my left-hand side, yes. 20113. Was it near where the fourth cook was? - Well, it was marked so, but they changed their cabin with some others. The Commissioner: I think I know sufficiently well, Mr. Attorney, where it was. 20114. (The Attorney-General.) I see it better on a larger plan. (To the Witness.) There was a wide corridor first of all, along which you walked? - Yes. 20115. And if you were walking towards the stern of the ship - you know what I mean - the
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