Page 177 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
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24786. (The Attorney-General.) We had it before from Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Royden. The Witness: I am very sorry. May I give you the names again? The Commissioner: Oh, do not, please. 24787. (Mr. Edwards.) I know the names? - The only point I wanted to make is this. On the Sub-Committee there were two members, Mr. Rowe, representing Lloyd’s, and Mr. Ogilvie, representing the London Institute of Underwriters. 24788. (The Commissioner.) Who were necessarily put on? - By the Board of Trade. We had nothing to do with that. 24789. (Mr. Edwards.) In the Minute I notice you say, “We have added to our Committee representing the Merchant Shipping Advisory Committee Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Royden”? - That is right. 24790. Then you did not co-opt them? - The Sub-Committee did. Mr. Edwards: What I want to get at is this: Where is the power in the Sub-Committee to co-opt anybody? The Attorney-General: It is page 21 of the Memorandum we handed up yesterday. That gives the names. The Witness: The power, the basis upon which we work, is the speech that Mr. Lloyd-George made to us when we were formed. He told us that he thought our number was necessarily limited, and it would be very desirable when we were dealing with particular points that we should co-opt people having special knowledge on those points; and we have always worked on that basis. 24791. (Mr. Edwards.) And that is the sole authority you have? - Yes. 24792. What I want to get from you is this: The Sub-Committee sat and the Sub-Committee made certain recommendations? - Yes. 24793. Were those recommendations ever submitted to the Committee as a whole? - Yes. 24794. Were they adopted by the Committee as a whole? - Adopted unanimously. 24795. Have you a minute to that effect? - Yes. 24796. Will you, please, produce it? - Certainly. I have it here. 24797. Will you, please, read it? - “The chairman submitted to the Committee the Report of the Life-Saving Appliances Sub-Committee on the proposal to amend the life-saving appliances Rules as to the minimum number of lifeboats to be carried in vessels of more than 10,000 tons gross tonnage. The Report also dealt with a letter from the Board of Trade, raising the question whether the Rules should be amended so as to prescribe a maximum depth for lifeboats as compared with their breadth. On the motion of the chairman, seconded by Mr. Spencer, the Report of the Sub-Committee was unanimously adopted.” 24798. Have you had any experience yourself in the navigation of ships? - None. 24799. Why did you express the view that it would be impracticable to carry a large number of boats on the boat deck of a ship like the “Titanic”? - I do not know that I have expressed that opinion. 24800. I understood Lord Mersey asked you whether you did not think it was practically impossible, and I understood you to say yes? - To carry them immediately under davits, it is impossible. 24801. You do not think it is impossible, then, in ships of this great size? - Under davits it is impossible. I am distinguishing between what you carry under davits and what you do not. The Commissioner: We know it is not impossible because we have been told that the “Olympic” has done it. The Attorney-General: Not under davits, my Lord. The Commissioner: No, not under davits. The Attorney-General: That is the distinction Sir Norman Hill is drawing. He says that under
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