Page 181 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
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Examined by Mr. HARBINSON. 24830. I heard you refer, Sir Norman, to Mr. Lloyd George’s address. That was delivered when your Committee was formed in 1907? - When we were first appointed. 24831. Did I gather accurately from you that at that time he indicated generally the scope of your functions? - That is so. 24832. Did he in his address to you raise any question on that occasion of the consideration of life-saving appliances? - I have got a copy of his speech. I have not it in my recollection. The Commissioner: Oh, please, do not read it! We must, you know, keep this Enquiry within some sort of limits. Is Mr. Lloyd George an expert on these matters? 24833. (Mr. Harbinson.) No. I only wanted to find out why it was, if the question was raised in 1907, it was not until 1911 that a Report was presented? - This question about the 10,000 ton boats was referred to us at the end of May, 1911. Mr. Harbinson: But nothing was done from the information of that Committee in 1907. 24834. (The Attorney-General.) April, 1911. The Witness: With regard to the 10,000 ton boats, nothing. It was not referred to us until 1911. 24835. (Mr. Harbinson.) I thought the whole question of merchant shipping was dealt with in 1906? - Not the whole question. Mr. Harbinson: An Act was passed which pretty well covered the ground. You have told us the names of the sub-committee. I do not want to go through the names again - and the names of the General Advisory Committee. My recollection is that all the members of the Advisory Committee are either shipowners, underwriters, shipbuilders, or members of trade unions represented by my friends. The Commissioner: What are you complaining of - that there was no representation of the Irish third class passengers? Mr. Harbinson: No, my Lord - that there is no independent representative outsider on the Committee. The Commissioner: What do you mean by an “outsider”? Mr. Harbinson: I mean people, to put it briefly, representative of the general public - who are not connected either with the trade unions or the shipowners. The Commissioner: Is the suggestion that the “man in the street” should be called in? Is that it? Mr. Harbinson: I do not go so far as to suggest that the man in the street should be called in, but I do, my Lord, go so far as to suggest this, that the shipping companies live by carrying the general public, and it would strengthen the Committee and make it more representative if some outsiders of prominence were included on the Advisory Committee. The Commissioner: How are you to select them? Mr. Harbinson: That would be a matter, of course, for the Board of Trade, or for some other competent body. The Commissioner: Oh, Mr. Harbinson, do not take up our time with such suggestions. 24836. (Mr. Harbinson.) What I am suggesting, my Lord, is that it would strengthen the Committee and increase public confidence. (To the Witness.) Is that your view? - No. 24837. (The Commissioner.) Would you like to get a man in the street from Water Street, Liverpool? The Witness: No. The advantages of our Committee, if it has any advantages, are that we are all - speaking with submission with regard to myself - experts. We come there with our expert knowledge. It is not a Committee to sit and examine - The Commissioner: That is enough. Do not let me hear any more of that. Is there anyone else? Mr. Harbinson: I have not finished yet, my Lord, with great respect. I think, my Lord, I have been very frugal in the matter of asking questions.
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