Page 184 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
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given them as to calls of ‘CQD,’ and any message received from the ship shall be at once forwarded to the addressees? - Yes. 24864. That is notwithstanding that they are vessels equipped with other systems? - Any ship, however equipped. 24865. In 1906 the International Radio-Telegraph Convention laid down some principles and regulations which were to govern wireless telegraphic communications at sea? - Yes. 24866. Which came into force in July, 1908? - July, 1908. 24867. And those are substantially, with certain additions of your own, the regulations which are still in force? - They are substantially the regulations still in force. 24868. The general orders? - They are really the only regulations in force. Any regulation of our own counts in so far as it is not contrary to the regulations of the Berlin conference. 24869. That is for the purpose of discipline and regulation, you make your own regulations, but they must not in any way conflict with the Regulations laid down by the Telegraphic Convention? - That is so; they do not in any way conflict. 24870. At that time was the distress call altered from CQD to SOS? - It was, but I might say that CQD, being so well known amongst the operators on the ships, has been used as well as the SOS as an additional sign. 24871. That means that a number of operators were in the habit of using the CQD, or knew of it as a distress signal, and that sometimes that is used and sometimes the SOS? - I should say the SOS is always used, but also the CQD. 24872. Is the SOS a very simple signal to give or receive? - Yes, it is simple. 24873. Can you tell us why the SOS was adopted? - I really cannot say. I think CQD is just as good, but they wanted to make a change. 24874. (The Commissioner.) Who made the change? - The International Convention on Wireless Telegraphy held at Berlin in 1906. 24875. They made the change? - They made the change. 24876. Of CQD to SOS? - Yes. 24877. What does SOS stand for, anything, or is it simply three letters? - Simply three letters, my Lord. 24878. I understand that CQD stood for “Come quick, danger”? - It can be interpreted that way. 24879. (The Attorney-General.) It really is an easy way to remember it, and SOS is, I am told, “Save our souls.” It is simply an easy way to remember it? - That is so. 24880. There is no mistake about it then; you remember it at once? - Yes. 24881. Have the recommendations of that convention and the principles laid down by them been adhered to by the principal powers? - They have been adhered by all the principal powers. 24882. Generally speaking, is the wireless installation licensed by the Government of the country whose flag the ship flies? - Yes. 24883. You would get your license in this country from the Postmaster-General? - From the Postmaster-General of this country. 24884. Will you just tell me about the wireless installation on board the “Titanic”: the installation was your property under the contract? - It was our property. It was what we call a 5 kilowatt installation; it was of very modern type and guaranteed I think for a distance of about 350 miles. 24885. (The Commissioner.) But it was capable of carrying a great deal further? - Yes, my Lord, it would be capable of carrying a great deal further. 24886. (The Attorney-General.) In actual practice does it carry a great deal further? - In actual practice it did, I think, carry a great deal further. 24887. The “Titanic,” as we know, carried two operators? - It carried two operators. I might
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