Page 186 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
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certainly would have one. Sir Robert Finlay: Not a copy of this particular one. The Attorney-General: No, not that particular one, because this is worked out after the accident. 24907. (The Commissioner.) This is later than the accident. What I mean is, had she a plan of this kind on board which would give this kind of information, and I understand Mr. Marconi to say that in the ordinary course of things she would have one. The Witness: Yes. 24908. (The Attorney-General.) They can be produced for every month? - Yes. The Attorney-General: This particular one is worked out to show what happened where the “Titanic” foundered, according to the diagram, and what vessels were close to it. Sir Robert Finlay: If the Attorney-General can produce one of the ordinary ones I think it might be convenient. The Commissioner: This, as I understand it, is prepared for this case. 24909. (The Attorney-General.) It is for that purpose. We will either have one produced, or we will get you one. I daresay Mr. Marconi can get one? - We have got them for each month. 24910. (Sir Robert Finlay.) I simply want any one of the ordinary ones? - You shall have it after luncheon. 24911. (The Attorney-General.) I was asking you about the watch which is kept at ship’s stations which are manned by two operators, such as the “Titanic.” Can you tell me, first of all; are there many vessels which are manned by two operators? - Yes, there is a considerable number of vessels. All the larger passenger vessels have got two operators. 24912. So as to have a day and night operator? - Yes. They have a continuous watch when there are two operators. 24913. When there are two operators, must one always be on watch? - One is always on watch. One has the telephone on his ears, on his head. It does not mean that he is necessarily under strain for a long period, but he can just hear if any call is made, or if any ship desires to communicate. 24914. (The Commissioner.) He is listening for whatever the length of his watch may be? - Exactly. Of course he may talk, and he may read and do other things. 24915. There is no bell rings, or anything of that kind, he simply hears if he is being spoken to? - Not at present, my Lord. 24916. (The Attorney-General.) I am going to ask you some questions about that. Where there is only one operator, of course, it becomes more difficult to establish communication, because he is not always on watch? - He is not always on watch, he has to take rest at certain hours. 24917. And for that purpose are there circular instructions which are issued - I think it is Circular 183, which provides that he shall be on duty at certain hours: “In order to facilitate the establishment of communication between one-man ships at sea, operators, when not taking rest shall call ‘CQ,’ and listen in for 30 minutes each two hours (G.M.T. to be strictly observed) in accordance with the following time-table.” Then the hours are given. Every operator who is on what you call one-man ships would receive this circular, and consequently would have to comply with those regulations every two hours? - Yes. The Commissioner: How long is he to listen - for two hours? The Attorney-General: Thirty minutes. The Commissioner: That means that he can never take sleep for longer than 1 ½ hours at a time. The Attorney-General: No, I do not think so. It says “Operators when not resting.” The Commissioner: I beg your pardon. The Attorney-General: It is in order to provide that a systematised time when they will all be
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